fsmed.fm FSM School Accreditation System Federated States of Micronesia : Department of Education

Organization : Department of Education
Type of Facility : FSM School Accreditation System
Country: Federated States of Micronesia

Website : http://www.fsmed.fm/index.php/accreditation

FSM School Accreditation System :

a. The FSM School Accreditation Policy hereinafter refers as “Policy”, is hereby established to ensure that FSM schools are conducive to learning by providing standards, criteria and procedures for a national system of public and private elementary and secondary school accreditation.

Related : Department of Education FSM Teacher Certification Program Federated States of Micronesia : www.statusin.org/8217.html

b. Schools that are conducive to learning will provide an environment that is intellectually stimulating and challenging, socially and emotionally nurturing, protective and free of environmental hazards and all forms of physical violence, including bullying and corporal punishment.

FSM School Accreditation Policy:
The FSM School Accreditation Policy hereinafter refers as “Policy”, is hereby established to provide standards, criteria and procedures for a national system of public and private elementary and secondary school accreditation. All public and private elementary and secondary schools in the FSM shall be accredited under the FSM School Accreditation Policy

Accreditation Criteria:
Criteria for accrediting elementary and secondary schools in the Federated States of Micronesia shall be established by the Secretary of the Department of Education in cooperation and consultation with the State Directors of Education, and shall include those factors necessary to provide an adequate classroom environment conducive to learning, including but not limited to the following:
(a) Philosophy, goals and objectives;
(b) Organization;
(c) Staff and teachers;
(d) School plant and physical facilities;
(e) Library;
(f) Student counseling services;
(g) Curricular program;
(h) Co-curricular program;
(i) Community and parent involvement;
(j) Finance;
(k) Student-teacher ratio; and
(l) Compliance with the minimum standards established by and under Title 40

FSM Schools Accreditation Guidelines:
The Secretary of Education, in collaboration with State Directors of Education, shall develop and publish, within 30 days of the signing of this policy, an FSM Schools Accreditation Procedures Manual. The FSM Schools Accreditation Procedures Manual will outline the standards, criteria, rubrics, evaluation procedures, reporting requirements and other administrative details necessary for the effective implementation of the FSM Schools Accreditation Policy

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FSM Schools Accreditation Process
a. The FSM Schools Accreditation Process shall consist of two stages.
b. Stage One of the FSM Schools Accreditation Process shall consist of a general inspection conducted by the State Department of Education Accreditation Committee using standards, criteria and rubrics developed by the Secretary of Education, in collaboration with State Directors of Education, and published as the FSM Schools Accreditation Procedures Manual.

c. Schools which satisfy the requirements of Stage One of the FSM Schools Accreditation Process shall progress to Stage Two.

d. Schools which do not satisfy the requirements of Stage One of the FSM Schools Accreditation Process shall not progress to Stage Two.
e. Stage Two of the FSM Schools Accreditation Process shall consist of a School Self Study, which shall be completed by the school management team and submitted for evaluation to the State Department of Education Accreditation Committee.

f. The State Director of Education shall submit, to the Secretary of Education, all accreditation evaluation reports and data, in the format outlined and by the due dates specified in the FSM Schools Accreditation Procedures Manual.

g. The State Director of Education shall submit, to the Secretary of Education, requests for accreditation of public and private schools by the dates specified and in accordance with the requirements of the FSM Schools Accreditation Procedures Manual

Issuance of Certificates:
a. A school shall be accredited if it is in possession of a valid National Special Certificate of Achievement or a valid National Certificate of Accreditation.

b. The Secretary of Education shall issue a National Special Certificate of Achievement to elementary and secondary schools which comply with or exceed all FSM Schools Accreditation Standards and requirements as outlined in the FSM Schools Accreditation Procedures Manual, based on appropriate recommendations from the State Department of Education Accreditation Committee and the National Department of Education Accreditation Committee. A National Special Certificate of Achievement shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issue.

c. The Secretary of Education shall issue a National Certificate of Accreditation to respective elementary and secondary schools which substantially comply with accreditation standards, as outlined in the FSM Schools Accreditation Procedures Manual, and which have a plan or program in effect to remedy any defects or shortcomings within an agreed upon period of time, based on appropriate recommendations from the State Department of Education Accreditation Committee and the National Department of Education Accreditation Committee. A National Certificate of Achievement shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue

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