bviaa.com Real Time Flight Information British Virgin Islands : BVI Airports Authority

Organization : BVI Airports Authority
Type of Facility : Real Time Flight Information
Country: British Virgin Islands

Website : http://www.bviaa.com/

Real Time Flight Information :

The BVI Airports Authority is a limited liability organization which owns and operates all airports within the British Virgin Islands.

Related : BVI International Finance Centre Registry of Corporate Business British Virgin Islands : www.statusin.org/8221.html

The Authority also has the responsibility for providing safe, secure and efficient gateways to the world.

Get Info Here : https://www.bviaacloud.com/

Passenger Guide General:
The following are guidelines to aid families as they clear Security at Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport
** Only ticketed passengers are allowed in the Departure Lounge
** To gain clearance at the Secuity Checkpoint you must have a valid boarding pass with receipt of payment for departure & security tax

** Personal and valuable belongings must be placed in your carry-on; items such as cell phones, jewelry, watches, wallet/purse, film, prescription medication, etc,
** Over coats, jackets, blazers, belts and shoes/slippers are to be removed and placed in the trays provided for screening
** Presents, if sealed, may have to be hand searched by security personnel

** Baggage, after it is x-ray screened, is required to be hand searched if rejected or as a random selection
** Metal,if detected must be identified. The security screening process may therefore be expedited if all metallic items, such as coins, keys etc., are removed and placed in the trays povided for screening

** Once the alarm of the Archway Metal Detector A(MD) is set off, the person who set off the alarm will be given a physical body search.

** Baby Food/Milk: Sufficient baby food or mik for the journey is permitted in your carry-on bag. In some cases this may be over 100ml. The adult carrying the baby food/milk may be asked to taste it. These include: breast milk, formula milk, cow milk, powdered milk, soya milk, baby food of various consitencies and sterilized water.

** Liquids and Gels: Travelers may carry liquids, gels and aerosols in 3oz containers when traveling to the USA; and 3.5oz containers when traveling to the UK. For the Caribbean and other countries the containers must be placed in a 1 quart-size, clear, resealable zip lock plastic bag and presented separately to the securiy staff for screening. Each passenger is allowed one, 1 quart-size plastic bag.

Confscated Items:
Items are consfiscated for a number of reasons, for e.g., prohibited articles, dangersous goods, liquid and gels exceding the allowable limits. However, passengers are given the option to hand over items intended for confiscation to family members and friends etc, in the terminal building. Once items are confiscated they will be disposed of in a safe manner.

Prohibited Items in Carry-on Baggage:
Drills, saw, lighters, matches, box cutters, scissors, ice picks, axes, knives, toy weapons, realistic replicas of firearms, firearms, ammunition, explosives, screw drivers, pliers, wrenches, hammers, crow bars, baseball bats, bows and arrows, cricket bat, golf clubs, hockey sticks, pool sticks, ski poles, spear guns, cattle prods, night sticks, martial arts weapons, swords, pepper spray/mace, brass knuckles, alcholic beverage over 3oz/3.5oz and all items prohibited under checked baggage.

Prohibited Items in Checked Baggage:
Blasting caps, dynamite, fireworks, flares, hand grenade, explosives, gasoline, teargas, spray paint, chlorine, liquid bleach, detergent, baygon/bug spray, wet cell batteries, lighter fluid, strike anywhere matches, paint thinners, flare gun, gun lighter, gun powder, compressed gas, cigarette lighter, alcoholic beverage not exceeding 70% when packed in receptacls not exeeding 5litres etc.

Metal Detection Arch/Security Checks:
** Children may walk through the arch alone. If the alarm goes off, the child will be searched in the presence of an accompanying adult.
** Children who cannot walk unaided should be carried through the arch. If the alarm goes off, you will both be searched.
** For the security of all passengers, passengers may be required to undergo screeing using security (body) scanning equipment.

The UK Government requires a “no scan, no fly” policy to be enforced, meaning that failure to comply if selected for a scan will result in refusal of entry.

Contact Details:
Address: P.O. Box 4416 Road Town Tortola, BVI
Phone: (284) 852 9000
Email: bviaa AT bviaa.com

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