Individual Income Tax Return Filing : Department of Revenue

Organization : Illinois Department of Revenue
Type of Facility : Individual Income Tax Return Filing
Country: United States of America (USA)

Website :

Individual Income Tax Return Filing :

Use MyTax Illinois to electronically file your original Individual Income Tax Return. It’s easy, free, and you will get your refund faster.

Related : Illinois Department of Revenue Income Tax Refund Status Inquiry System :

You are eligible to file an original IL-1040 via MyTax Illinois if you:
** have not filed an individual income tax return for this tax year;
** are an established Illinois taxpayer or have a valid Illinois Driver’s License or Illinois State Identification Card;
** have a Social Security number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN); and
** have a valid email address.

Some common documents, records, or receipts you may need to help you file are:
** a copy of your federal income tax return and schedules;
** copies of all W-2 and 1099 forms;
** tax returns you filed with other states;

** your property number and amount of property tax paid;
** receipts for qualified education or moving expenses; and
** your routing and account number if you are due a refund and choose to deposit your refund directly into your checking or savings account.

What if I already filed Form IL-1040?:
DO NOT mail a copy of your return. Submitting multiple original returns will cause processing delays.

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Made an error, forgot something, or need to amend?:
If you discover that you made an error or forgot to include income, withholding, or another credit on your original return, you must file Form IL-1040-X, Amended Individual Income Tax Return.

I received a Return Correction Notice (RCN). What should I do?:
DO NOT file another Form IL-1040. Please respond to the RCN as directed.

Tax Types Current Tax Rates
Business Income Tax Effective July 1, 2017:
  • Corporations – 7 percent of net income
  • Trusts and estates – 4.95 percent of net income

To determine the tax due for tax years ending on or after July 1, 2017, refer to Informational Bulletin FY 2018-02.

Individual Income Tax Effective July 1, 2017:
  • 4.95 percent of net income

To determine the tax due for tax years ending on or after July 1, 2017, refer to Informational Bulletin FY 2018-02.

Prior year rates
Personal Property Replacement Tax Corporations – (other than S corporations)
  • 2.5 percent of net income

Partnerships, trusts, and S corporations

  • 1.5 percent of net income
Withholding (payroll) Effective July 1, 2017, 4.95 percent of net income is required to be withheld from:
  • employee compensation based on the number of allowances claimed by the employee,
  • Illinois lottery winnings each time a single payment is over $1,000 for both Illinois residents and nonresidents, and
  • other gambling winnings paid to an Illinois resident

if the winnings are subject to federal income tax withholding requirements.

Contact Address :
James R. Thompson Center – Concourse Level
100 West Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601-3274
Phone : 800-732-8866
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