opm.gov e-QIP Electronic Questionnaires For Investigations Processing United States of America : Office of Personnel Management

Organization : Office of Personnel Management
Type of Facility : e-QIP Electronic Questionnaires For Investigations Processing
Country: United States of America (USA)

Website : http://www.opm.gov/investigations/e-qip-application/

e-QIP Application :

Welcome to the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) system. e-QIP is a web-based automated system that was designed to facilitate the processing of standard investigative forms used when conducting background investigations for Federal security, suitability, fitness and credentialing purposes.

Related : United States of America Office of Personnel Management Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) : www.statusin.org/8046.html

e-QIP allows the user to electronically enter, update and transmit their personal investigative data over a secure internet connection to a requesting agency.

Enter the “e-QIP Applicant Site” to begin filling out your questionnaire.

e-QIP Applicant Site : https://www.opm.gov/

OPM-FIS now allows some e-QIP applicants to digitally sign their certification and release forms as part of a “Click to Sign” pilot. This pilot will support future implementation of “Click to Sign” for all OPM-FIS customer agencies.

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E-QIP utilizes the appropriate safeguards to ensure that the digital signature captured in the e-QIP system is legally recognized in accordance with the Federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN) 15 U.S.C. 7001 and the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA) which is a United States Uniform Law Commission between state level governments. Public Law 105-277, Title XVII states “Releases that are digitally signed are as valid as those with handwritten signatures.”

Applicants can only access the e-QIP system if they have been invited to do so by an appropriate official at their sponsoring agency. Individuals cannot pre-apply for a security clearance, nor update their security questionnaire unless granted access by an appropriate agency official.

Why am I being required to have a background investigation?:
The U.S. Government conducts background investigations to determine if applicants or employees meet the suitability or fitness requirements for employment, or are eligible for access to Federal facilities, automated systems, or classified information. All persons must be properly investigated and adjudicated to be issued a credential and to be authorized access to classified information.

The scope and type of background investigation varies depending on the duties and access requirements for the position, as does the amount of time it takes to be completed. The employing or sponsoring agency is responsible for determining the appropriate level of investigation to be conducted based on current rules and procedures.

Is completing the form mandatory in order to get a position in the Federal Government?:
Providing the information requested on the form is voluntary. However, if you do not provide the information requested, you will not meet the requirements of the job and therefore will not be considered further. If you are already employed by the Federal government, your appointment will be terminated.

Be completely honest and forthright when answering all questions on the form. If necessary, provide clarification or explanation for how you answered a particular question in the Optional Comment section provided in e-QIP.

How much time do I have to complete the form?:
Be as timely as possible in completing your investigation request. You should earnestly try to meet the deadline your agency has established for you to complete this form.

Industry (DoD Contractor) Employees or Applicants:
Initial point of contact for account lockouts, challenge question resets, forgotten usernames and other technical support is the DoD Security Services (Call) Center at 1-888-282-7682.

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