Tertiary Student Concession : Auckland Transport New Zealand

Organization : Auckland Transport
Type of Facility : Tertiary Student Concession
Country: New Zealand

Website : https://at.govt.nz/bus-train-ferry/at-hop-card/at-hop-card-concessions/tertiary-student-concession/
Apply Here : https://at.govt.nz/

Tertiary Student Concession :

Get your AT tertiary ID sticker on your student ID card and you could receive discounted travel on trains and selected buses and ferries with your AT HOP card.

Related : Auckland Transport Pay/ Query Your Fine Online : www.statusin.org/6846.html

5 steps to get a tertiary concession:
If you already have a registered AT HOP card go straight to step 3.

Step 1: Buy a card
If you don’t have an AT HOP card then first buy a card. You need the card number to be able to register the card.

Step 2: Register your AT HOP card online
Create MyAT online account and then log in to register your AT HOP card. You have the option to register a card for yourself or for someone else if you want to manage the card on your account. Find out about managing cards for others.

Step 3: Ensure you have proof of eligibility
Get an AT Tertiary ID sticker on your Tertiary Student ID card from your tertiary institute to prove eligibility. You need this for your application in step 4.

Related Post

Who can get a tertiary concession:
** Tertiary students that have a current AT tertiary ID sticker on their tertiary student ID card, available from participating tertiary institutions.
** When using public transport, tertiary students must have their current tertiary student ID card with a current AT tertiary ID sticker with them and present it on request to prove their eligibility for travel (PDF 65KB).

Who does not qualify:
** Tertiary concessions are not available on a cash fare.
** Any tertiary student without proof of their eligibility for travel. When using public transport, tertiary students must have their current tertiary student ID card with a current AT tertiary ID sticker with them and present it on request to prove their eligibility for travel (PDF 65KB).
** See list of bus and ferry services not covered under the tertiary concession discount scheme.

Step 4: Submit your concession application online
** Log in to your MyAT online account and select Apply for a concession in the menu.
** Confirm your details are correct.
** Select the card you wise to apply the concession to and fill out the relevant eligibility details.
** Click submit.

What you need to know:
** Your AT HOP card needs to be registered before a tertiary concession can be applied.
** You may only hold one AT HOP card with a tertiary concession on it.
** Your AT HOP tertiary concession will expire on the same date as your student ID or AT tertiary ID sticker, whichever is the earliest.

Step 5: Load a concession onto your AT HOP card
You need to visit your nearest AT customer service centre to load the concession on your card. Remember to bring your AT HOP card and student ID card with you to prove your eligibility.

Services not covered for tertiary concession:
There are some bus and ferry services which are not covered under the tertiary concession discount scheme including:
** Inner City and Airport Zone services.
** NiteRider.
** City LINK (Free with AT HOP card that has a positive or zero balance) and inner LINK.
** Airbus Express.
** Rakino Ferry.
** Waiheke Ferry services.
** Waiheke Island bus services.

Auckland Transport and its operators reserve the right to add or remove any route or service from the discount scheme at any time without notice. If in doubt, students should check directly with the relevant operators to see if they accept the AT tertiary ID sticker on their services.

Categories: New Zealand
Tags: at.govt.nz
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