tax.fi Card Online Finland : Vero Finnish Administration

Organization : Finnish Tax Administration
Type of Facility : Tax Card Online
Country: Finland

Website : http://www.tax.fi/en-US/VKV

Tax Card Online :

Tax Card Online allows you to see some of the contents of the database where all information is confidential.

Related : Vero Finnish Tax Administration Corporation Online Finland : www.statusin.org/8305.html

This information only concerns you and no-one else. Therefore, you have to sign in through a strong authentication process. You can use your network banking User ID and Password, or a HST card issued by the Population Register Centre.

What does Tax Card Online do?:
You can request and print out a revised tax card for your wages, salary, any sideline income, social benefits or your seafarer’s wages.

You can print out your new tax card yourself if it is the type of card that an employee of the Finnish Tax Administration does not have to check manually.

Tax Card Online also accepts requests concerning income tax prepayments, for which you can either ask for a new official calculation or ask for an adjustment of existing prepayments. We send the invoices to you by post.

Remember that when you are logged in with your own personal User ID and Password you cannot request a card for any other taxpayer, including your child(ren).

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What can you do with Tax Card Online?:
You can use www.tax.fi/taxcard to order a new withholding certificate i.e. a new tax card if significant changes in your income or deductions have taken place (for reasons such as starting work or quitting work). You can also use it for asking for a new or revised prepayment decision.

The following income types are subject to tax-card withholding, and Tax Card Online is available
** Employment income
** Seafarer’s income
** Social benefits such as unemployment or maternity allowance
** Compensation paid to foster care providers or family caregivers
** Trade income and copyright royalty income
** Pensions, including compensation for giving up a stake in a farm
** Dividends from companies that are not stock-exchange listed.

You can use it for asking for a new or revised prepayment decision, too, and you can also request that your prepayments be waived. The following types of income are subject to prepayments, and Tax Card Online is available:
** Rental income
** Trade and business income
** Agricultural income
** Reindeer farming income
** Income from general and limited partnerships.

However, you must use the services of a tax office if any of the following applies to you:
** You apply for a freelance tax card for the first time
** You want to have a tax card only for study-grant income.
** You want a card for receipts of listed-company dividends, dividends based on work efforts, foreign-sourced income, employee stock options, sportsmen’s fees or wage income to be reported to an insurance company (vakuutuspalkka; försäkringslön).
** You are treated as a nonresident for Finnish tax purposes.
** You have never had a tax card previously, and you are older than 16 years of age

If one of the above limitations applies to you, please call the Tax Administration’s telephone service at 020 697 050 or go to the nearest tax office.

How much does it cost?:
Tax Card Online can be used free of charge. However, banks normally collect some service charges for their online services. For more information, look them up in a price list that your bank has issued. As for microchip identity cards, you must pay a charge when a card is issued to you, but after that, you can use it free of charge.

What information do you need for the revised tax card?:
** Estimate of your income for the entire year.
** Details on your actual income
** since January 1st.
** Amounts withheld since January 1st.
** Details of any tax-deductible costs that you might have.

Please allow enough time for Tax Card Online to process your request! Your employer may need to have your tax card two weeks in advance of your next payday. If you do not print it out yourself it will be sent via the postal service, the delivery time being ~4 to 5 working days.

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