ab.gov.kn : Accreditation St. Kitts & Nevis

Organization : St. Kitts & Nevis Accreditation Board
Type of Facility : Accreditation
Country: St. Kitts & Nevis

Website : http://ab.gov.kn/

Accreditation :

Accreditation is a process for reviewing the qualifications and eligibility of educational institutions and professional programmes for performance, integrity and quality according to accepted criteria or standards. Accreditation may be done by a professional society, a non-governmental body, or a governmental agency.

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Tertiary Institution :
A tertiary institution is a post-secondary institution of higher or further learning, or professional studies leading to a certificate, diploma, or degree.

Tertiary institutions include not only colleges and universities but also professional schools in such fields as law, theology, medicine, business, music, and art. They also include teacher-training schools, community colleges, and institutes of technology.

A tertiary institution is expected to provide advanced academic and/or professional instruction and conduct research (especially at the universities) in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and career-focused programmes.

The main objective of a tertiary institution is to train individuals in critical thinking, impart knowledge and promote industry-specific skills. It also encourages research and undertakes significant study of topics that will be beneficial for the development of the community and to advance frontiers of knowledge.

Accreditation Board:
Historical and contemporary studies have shown that higher education serves as an integral component for an individual’s entry into the modern sectors of national economies. Education is also widely viewed as a universal right, particularly in developing countries. However, developing countries struggle to establish, encourage and increase school enrollment among their youth, particularly at the tertiary education level – where the greatest constriction on enrollment occurs.

Worldwide, less than one-fifth of those between age18–24 years were engaged in some form of tertiary education at the turn of the 21st century. In the developing world, less than 5 percent of those in this age group are enrolled in an institution of higher education. Yet it is the education of this vulnerable and highly satiable population that is likely to determine these countries’ futures.

As part of its mandate, SKNAB seeks to:
** Promote the establishment of institutions of high standard
** Ensure that the Federation’s tertiary-level education system maintains or exceeds internationally accepted standards for educational quality

The Board aims to provide an educational environment that nurtures successful graduates who can think critically and are competitive in the local, regional, and international world of work.

This website provides access to information about the functions and services of the St. Kitts and Nevis Accreditation Board as well as how to apply for accreditation for an institution and members of SKNAB.

Contact Us:
The St. Christopher (St. Kitts) And Nevis Accreditation Board
P.O. Box 333
Church Street
St. Kitts

Tel: (869) 467-1110
Fax: (869) 466-7443
Email: accreditation.board AT gov.kn

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Tags: ab.gov.kn
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