asf.org.za : African Scholars’ Fund For High School Students 2015 South Africa

Organization : African Scholars’ Fund
Scholarship For : High School Students 2015
Country: South Africa
Deadline: 15 September

Website : http://asf.org.za/

African Scholars Fund For High School Students

The ASF motivates and encourages scholars to complete their education at high school. Our areas of operation are the Free State, the Western, Eastern and Northern Cape from where we select those who are academically capable, but very poor.

Related : Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Mandela Scholarship Fund South Africa : www.statusin.org/8336.html

In fact, we do not have anyone with a total monthly household income exceeding R7000. The great majority of our beneficiaries depend on a grandmother’s pension or someone’s disability grant. We encourage, care for and award our learners a little money that goes towards paying into the school fund, for uniforms, transport and other necessities.

Download Form :


Gr7 must obtain an average of 60%, plus 60% in all subjects.
Gr8 – 11 must obtain an average of 50% plus 50% in all subjects.

Please Note:
(i) Closing date for applications: 15 September.
(ii) Late applications will not be accepted.
(iii) Faxed applications will not be accepted.
(iv) Complete the form in BLOCK letters and answer all questions.

The schools and social workers identify the kids in need. They are the ones that see them in class barefoot, in tattered clothes, hungry with no food to eat at break time, having no books, perhaps abused.

Thousands of referrals come each year. We give awards to learners for good work right up to Matric (Grade 12) usually R800 p.a. All payments are made through the school, making sure that the money is used for school items. These awards are not hand-outs. We are more like parents, writing them letters and showing an interest in their lives. Twice a year, mid-year and in December, we check the school reports in order to monitor and evaluate progress.

Of course we give money to help pay for school expenses – R800 p.a, or sometimes a bit more, is paid through the school in two installments provided that progress is satisfactory. We encourage our learners to work hard, we look at their marks and we are proud when they send us fine results.

The learners respond with extra effort. We ask them about their plans, we give a little counseling and plenty of encouragement because often no help can be given by the parents – if they have any!

Individual letters are written, especially to the grade 9s and the matriculants, giving as much counsel as we can regarding their future plans – always with a view to what is practical for them. Advice Booklets Gr9 and Gr12 Information Pamphlets are made available, summarizing vital information and offering these learners guidance that will lead to more informed decisions being taken.

Every effort is made to ensure that our grade 9s are properly guided to the decision as to whether they should continue their FET phase at school or enter into an FET college.

Our Senior Certificate candidates are carefully nurtured and guided in choosing suitable institutions and training programmes, with the end goal being that they are able to enter the world of work on completion. Skills training at FET colleges are actively being promoted.

Contact Address

African Scholars’ Fund Is Based In Cape Town:
Physical Address: Unit EB02, Tannery Park
Belmont Road
Cape Town
South Africa

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 294
Cape Town
South Africa

Telephone: +27 (0)21 689-9094 or +27 (0)21 689-9431
Fax: +27 (0)21 689-9240
Email: office AT asf.org.za

Categories: South Africa
Tags: asf.org.za
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