Apply For & Check Admissions Application Status Online : College of North Atlantic

Organization : College of North Atlantic
Type of Facility : Apply For & Check Admissions Application Status Online
Country: Qatar

Website :
Apply & Check Status : cna-qatar [dot] edu [dot] qa

Applying to CNA-Q :

We are pleased that you are interested in applying for admission to college of the North Atlantic-Qatar.

Related : Texas A&M University Register For Disability Services :

A. Apply online:
On-line Application Form. This online service allows you to apply online, save your application to complete at a later time, upload required documents in support of your admissions application, review, and submit your admissions application from the convenience of your personal computer.Guidelines for online application

B. Apply in person:
Pick up an application from our Campus in Duhail North find us or download it here

Note :
College of the North Atlantic-Qatar (CNA-Q) advises that at this point in time, capacity to admit non-nationals for Winter 2015 is under review. CNA-Q will accept non-nationals as space permits. For updates regarding availability, non-nationals are encouraged to check back, both in person and on-line, to see whether the situation has changed.

2. Admissions Application Fee
Application processing fee is 100QR nonrefundable.
You can submit the application fee using Visa or Master credit Cards only.

Guidelines for online application Payment:
If you do not have a Visa or MasterCard credit card, you can save your application online and make your payment at the Registrar’s Office, College of the North Atlantic- Qatar, Building 3.

3. Required Documents:
When you submit your application, you will be required to provide
An official copy of your secondary school grades
Copy of your passport-photo page
Copy of your Qatari National Identification card

Applicants must be legal residents of Qatar and possess a Residency Permit ID number in order to be eligible to apply to the College.

If you have not attended a State School, you will need to obtain Ministry of Education validation of your marks before you can be accepted to the College. We will provide you with the necessary letter to take to the Ministry once we process your application.

Once your eligibility to the program has been determined and/or Ministry validation received, you will then be scheduled to write our entrance examinations. This consists of an English placement test, as well as a Math placement test. Students currently in high school who have not yet received their final marks are permitted to write this test prior to receiving their final grades. When the entrance examination results are received and processed, we will then advise if you have been accepted into the program.

4. Eligibility for CNA-Q programs
To be eligible for any of our programs, you must have completed high school, with a 60% average in the following:
1. English Language (60% minimum) – Grade 12 level
2. Academic Mathematics (60% minimum) – Grade 12 level OR Advanced Mathematics (50% minimum) – Grade 12 level
3. Two Grade 12 level Science courses selected from Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Physics (for our Engineering and Health Sciences programs) – OR – Three additional courses at the Grade 12 level (for Business and Information Technology programs).

We also offer an Office Administration program through our Business Department which requires only high school graduation

Check Your Admissions Application Status :
After you have submitted your application and your account is set up, you will be able to view your application status online.

Log on using your user name and password to confirm that the admissions application is complete and that all required documents have been submitted by the application deadline. You will receive online notification of the program’s admission decision

How to check your admission status online:
Step 1: Go To The CNA-Q Student Self Service

Step 2:
Enter your information as mentioned below:
1. Enter your username
2. Enter your password
3. Click Sign In

Step 3:
Click on “Self Service”

Step 4:
Click on “Admission Status”

Step 5:
Display status of your admission

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