Register For Disability Services : Texas A&M University

Organization : Texas A&M University
Type of Facility : Register For Disability Services
Country: Qatar

Website :

Disability Services :

The mission of Disability Services is to ensure accessibility for all students to University programs. The Department of Student Affairs Counseling and Wellness Program administers Disability Services at Texas A&M University at Qatar.

Related : Community College Student Special Needs Services Qatar :

Disability Services, with the assistance of Disability Services at Texas A&M University, offers accommodations counseling, evaluation referral, disability-related information, and adaptive technology counseling and equipment for academically related purposes. Although Disability Services does not offer disability evaluation and/or testing, tutoring, personal expenses, attendants or scholarships, we will provide referral information.

The University has the right to set and maintain standards for admitting students and evaluating their progress and is not obligated to waive any requirements fundamental or essential to the integrity of the program. Thus students with disabilities must meet the academic or technical standards for participation in a program, given appropriate accommodations. The counseling and wellness program coordinator and counselor, along with the support and guidance of Disability Services at Texas A&M University, disseminates information about available services, evaluate requests for services to determine eligibility and appropriate accommodations, and assist students in obtaining those accommodations. Once a student’s disabilities have been verified and accommodations are identified through Disability Services, he/she will receive a letter from Disability Services verifying his/her eligibility for particular accommodations which he/she can then share with relevant faculty or staff member to arrange the specific accommodation(s).

Registration Process:
In order to receive disability-related accommodations and services, you should abide by the following process:
** Apply and be accepted for admission to Texas A&M University at Qatar through the regular admissions process.
** Provide current and comprehensive documentation of a diagnosed disability which requires accommodation.
** Register with Disability Services at the beginning of each semester.

In order to register with the office, a student must present documentation of a legally recognized disability. You can submit your information to the Wellness Program office in the Texas A&M Engineering Building, office 318C. Refer to documentation for more information.

Once documentation has been submitted:
** The Wellness Program Coordinator and Counselor and the Texas A&M University Disability Services Documentation Review Committee (DRC) review all documentation and determine whether the student is eligible to receive Disability Services based on the documented disability.
** Each student will meet with the wellness program coordinator and counselor to determine appropriate accommodations.
** Appropriate accommodations are determined by the counselor and student, in consultation with an Accommodations Counselor at Disability Services at Texas A&M University, based on the documented needs, previous accommodations, and functional limitations of the student. Refer to the accommodations for more information.
** During this initial meeting with the wellness program coordinator and counselor, Disability Services policies and procedures are discussed with the student. The student is responsible for delivering the accommodations letters generated in this meeting to the instructors. Students are encouraged to meet with their instructors to discuss their testing and other accommodations and to answer any questions the instructors may have.

Documentation :
Documentation submitted should be current (in most cases no older than three to five years), comprehensive, and include the following:
** Student’s name
** Date of evaluation and/or last contact
** A specific diagnosis, including level of severity
** The specific findings in support of this diagnosis including relevant history, observations of the individual, tests administered, test results, and your interpretation of those test results. For a diagnosis of learning disability, ADD or ADHD, a neuropsychological examination or psychoeducational evaluation is required to determine eligibility for services as a student with a disability. Objective evidence of a substantial limitation must be provided.
** A description of the student’s functional limitations as they are directly related to the stated disabilities and necessitate any accommodations
** The evaluator’s name, address, telephone number (in the event our office needs to contact the evaluator), and professional credential relevant to the diagnosis (i.e., M.D., Ph.D., LSSP)
** The documentation must be on letterhead, typed, dated, and signed

How to get documentation:
The professional making the diagnosis of a disability should be an appropriately trained evaluator, such as a physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, or educational diagnostician. For example, an audiologist would diagnose a hearing impairment; a psychiatrist, psychologist, or clinical social worker would diagnose a psychological disability. **Documentation from a family member or family friend is not acceptable**

Disability Services provides guidelines for documentation. If you have any questions about required documentation, contact the wellness program coordinator and counselor at +974.4492.7839. Disability Services reserves the right to request additional information or evaluation. Information regarding resources to use in obtaining an evaluation is available from the Department of Student Affairs.

Disability Services serves as the repository for medical documentation of disabilities. Documentation submitted to Disability Services is confidential and used solely for the purpose of assisting students in identifying and securing accommodations and services to support their full participation at Texas A&M University at Qatar.

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