Online Admission Application : Doha College

Organization : Doha College
Type of Facility : Online Admission Application
Country: Qatar

Website :
Apply Online :

Admission Application Process :

Doha College application forms are available from either the Doha College website or from the Admissions Office at the College for a charge of QR 200 per form.

Related : Apply Online To Qatar University :

A separate form must be completed for each child. This form must be completed fully and accurately with the Parental Undertaking and Fee Regulations sections signed. All relevant information must be declared including details of any disciplinary, social, physical, medical or psychological problems.

Relevant medical and educational psychologist’s reports should be copied to the school, if appropriate. A copy of your child’s last school report including comments on academic and social progress must be submitted with the form. If the report is not in English, you should provide a translation with the original. If the applicant has studied within the British Curriculum, then the latest Key Stage report should be supplied. Applications submitted without school reports WILL NOT be considered.

For applicants from Year 5 to Year 13:
If the applicant has previously undertaken a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT), please supply a copy of the results or contact details of the school holding such results. Applications will not be processed until all information, any additional costs (ie: assessment fees / application charges), reports, etc., have been received.

Documents Required:
The following documents will be required to complete the application:
** Latest school report (For Year 1 to Year 13)
** Copy of completed DC Early Years Foundation Stage Application (For Pre School & Reception)
** Copy of the applicant’s passport
** A copy of the Qatar Residence Permit if available. If this is not available at the time of application, please complete the form to state ‘In Process’ (*)
** Two passport size photographs

Documents such as immunization records etc for Primary applicants may be provided to the College if the applicant is being offered a place at the college.

SEC Regulation for overseas applicants
Please be aware that the Supreme Education Council (SEC) has imposed a regulation which states that any new students, (coming from abroad ) joining a school in Qatar from the 2014 – 2015 academic year ( with the exception of Preschool, Reception and Year 1 applicants) will require their last two full End of Year School Reports to be attested in the country of origin. These attested reports must then be taken to the SEC Attestation Office in Qatar to be verified before a child can be accepted into school. Please contact the SEC Attestation Office for exact clarification of this regulation.
For guidelines on the attestation procedures , please see general guidelines document. This document is being provided as general guideline and Doha College does not take responsibility for any changes to SEC processes and procedures. For specific details and requirements, please contact the SEC Attestation Office on the C-Ring Road or the Department of Private Education on the 11th Floor of the SEC tower at West Bay.

Regulation for applicants from within Qatar wishing to transfer to Doha College
In the event of your child being offered a place at Doha College, we will require a copy of the Transfer Certificate/Leaver’s Certificate issued by your child’s current school in Qatar (on their departure) in order to register your child with the Supreme Education Council. Please Note: We cannot accept your child into Doha College without this Certificate. All students who wish to transfer to Doha College after 16 October 2014 will need approval from the SEC before the offer of place can be confirmed.

(*)All children must be in possession of a valid Qatari Residence Permit before starting school in Qatar.

Ideal Time to Apply:
The ideal time to start the application process for a September start would be January of that year. E.g. apply in January 2011 for a September 2011 place. Places for September are usually finalised by June.

Minimum age requirement for Pre School:
An applicant is required to be 3 years of age on or before 31st August of that year to be age appropriate for entry to Pre School in September. There are no exceptions to the minimum age requirement.

Applications can be accepted by ONE of the following means:
Via the online application form. To do so, go to tab on the Admissions Page that states ‘Apply Now’. Note: When applying online, you will be asked to upload a passport size photograph of the applicant. Skip the step if you don’t have one
Paper copy of the application form with all relevant documents can submitted to the Admissions Office at Doha College

Once an Offer Has Been Made:
If we offer a place to your child, you will be asked to collect an offer and acceptance letter from the Accounts Office that will require payment of the registration and/or advance tuition fee. Please see our fee schedule for a further explanation on the registration and advance tuition fees.

The non-refundable registration fee is applicable to each child attending Doha College Primary and/or Doha College Secondary and is in addition to the tuition fee. Once paid, the registration charges are non refundable. If an advance fee is requested, this will be deducted from the applicants first terms fees.

To accept the offer you must sign and return the acceptance letter, with the appropriate fee, by the deadline as set out in the offer letter. If you miss this deadline without consultation with the Admissions Office, the offer will be withdrawn.

After we have received the acceptance letter we will issue an invoice for the first set of tuition fees, capital charge plus refundable deposit which is payable before the applicants first day of school. Uniform information and suppliers are available on the website and will form part of the offer and acceptance package.

Additional Information for Year 7 Entry : 2014-2015 and 2015-2016:
** For the 2014-15 and 2015-16 academic years, Doha College and Doha English Speaking School (DESS) have entered into a formal agreement that serves to reserve school places for children from DESS, should they meet the entry requirements.
** There are 60 places reserved for the 2014/2015 academic year
** There are 44 places reserved for the 2015/2016 academic year.
** These places are subject to the students meeting the entry requirements.
** Starting academic year 2016 – 17, there will no longer be any reserved places for students from Doha English Speaking School. All external applications will be reviewed with the same level of priority.

Categories: Qatar

View Comments (1)

  • I find difficult to apply inspite of my registration. Please help me, Can I come to school and get application form from there? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map