mess.gouv.qc.ca : Repayment Via Electronic Payment Quebec

Organization : Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale
Type of Facility : Repayment Via Electronic Payment
Country: Canada
Website: http://www.mess.gouv.qc.ca/centre-de-recouvrement/emploi-quebec/modes-remboursement/paiement-electronique_en.asp

MESS Repayment Via Electronic Payment

Amounts owed to the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (MESS) can now be paid through a Desjardins caisse or National Bank.

Related : Quebec Parental Insurance Plan : www.statusin.org/8447.html

The electronic payment service allows you to make your payments via the Internet, a touch-tone telephone, an automated teller machine (ATM) or a counter of a participating bank.

Electronic payment:
To facilitate payment, the amount entered on your statement of account can be paid via a Desjardins caisse or National Bank.

If you have signed a repayment agreement with the Centre de recouvrement

You can pay electronically:
** online payment (via the Internet)
** by phone, using a touch-tone telephone
** through an ATM or at a counter of any branch of a Desjardins caisse or National Bank.


Electronic payment allows you to pay from home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You no longer have to worry about cheques or late payments, and you avoid the extra fees charged for other methods of payment.

To qualify for e-payments:
You must be a member of one of the participating financial institutions and register your MESS account number with the financial institution. Then select the method of payment.

If you haven’t signed a repayment agreement with the Centre de recouvrement:
Contact an officer at the Centre de recouvrement and sign up for the electronic payment method of your choice.

Online payment:
If you are a member of a Desjardins caisse or have an account with the National Bank

The online payment service is a quick, efficient, safe and secure method for paying amounts owed to the Ministère.

You must have your file number. Your file number appears on your statement of account.

Payment by phone:
For additional information, contact a Desjardins caisses or National Bank


Does my benefit period have to be uninterrupted?
No. You choose when you wish to receive your benefits. You can therefore have your benefit payments interrupted and have them restarted later. You must, however, respect the period within which they can be paid, depending on the type of benefit.

You must agree on the time of leave with your employer. The Act respecting labour standards contains provisions governing leave for family events. For more information, see Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) website or contact their staff at the Service des renseignements de la CNESST at the following number: 1 844 838-0808 (toll free).

What income is taken into account when benefits are calculated?
Earnings subject to contributions to the QPIP are taken into account, namely :
** the gross weekly amount earned by a wage-earning applicant
** net business income in the case of a self-employed worker
** remuneration insurable for the purposes of the QPIP obtained as a family-type resource or an intermediate resource This link opens in a new window.

Categories: Canada
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