edapps.ednet.ns.ca : Teacher Certification’s Online Payment Service Nova Scotia

Organization : Government of Nova Scotia
Type of Facility : Teacher Certification’s Online Payment Service
Country: Canada
Website: https://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/teachercert/PayIntro.aspx

Teacher Certification’s Online Payment Service

It’s easy to use the Teacher Certification’s Online Payment Service to make a payment for a Teacher’s Certificate using a credit card.

Related : Alberta Education Apply For Teacher Certification : www.statusin.org/9508.html

Making an online payment for a certificate is a simple four step process:
Step 1 : Identification
Log in to the site.

Step 2 : Choose Certificate/Service
Select the certificate(s) and/or service(s) you wish to purchase, then enter your full name and email address.

Step 3 : Payment Details
Select the credit card type (VISA, MASTERCARD, or AMERICAN EXPRESS) and enter your payment details.

Step 4 : Transaction Confirmation
The results of your transaction will be confirmed, including details of your payment, which should be printed for you to include with your mailed in application form(s).

To begin, first tell us if you have a 6-digit File Reference Number (a.k.a. Professional Number) and then agree to the Terms of Use Agreement.

Online Payment Service

As required through the course of completing an application request or service transaction, you shall pay the applicable fee as instructed in the payment description screens which are presented to you for verification and authorization.

All Fees shall be payable to the Province, in advance, by means of a credit card, or other means as may be described within the Service. You agree to provide all credit card or similar payment information, which the Province may require to verify payment for requests submitted using the Service.

Transaction Refunds:
In the event that a refund of any Fees collected is required, you agree that the following procedure shall apply:

For Over payments:
If Fees in excess of the amount required to process the application request or transaction are collected, the Province will issue a cheque in the requestor’s name for the amount of the excess Fees, provided the excess amount is greater than $3.00. If the excess amount is less than $3.00, then no refund will occur.

Cheques will be issued by the Province for overpayments within ten weeks of the original application request or transaction.

Fees & Payment

Insufficient Fees Collected or Unable to Complete Processing:
If the Province is unable to complete the processing of your application request or transaction after the Fees have been paid, a refund will be issued. The most common reasons why a transaction cannot be processed are:
** information entered on the online application does not match information housed within the Province’s databases; or
** additional information is required to complete the application request or transaction.

In any of the above circumstances, all Fees collected will be credited back to the original credit card account used for the payment. You will also receive a written explanation, detailing why your request could not be performed and what actions are necessary from you. The credit card refund will be processed within 3 working days of the original transaction and will appear under the name of “Govt. Internet Services” on your credit card statement.

Categories: Canada
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