mfa.gov.eg Visa Application Egypt : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Visa Application
Country: Egypt

Website : http://www.mfa.gov.eg/english/ConsularServices/Pages/ConsularServiceDetails.aspx?ID=Visa%20Application

How To Apply For Visa in Egypt?

Description :
** foreigners are granted a visa to the Arab Republic of Egypt at Egyptian consulates abroad.
** It is single-entry visa, unless it states that it is a multiple-entry visa within at most six months of date of issue.

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Prerequisites :
** filling-in the visa form.
** Paying the scheduled fees.
** Citizens of some countries must have previous permits before being granted the required visa.
** Permission procedures take 15 days. Once the permission issued, the visa procedures begin, thus the visa applicant must contact the consulate to know the latest updates.

Required Documents For Visa Application

To issue a visa for all the nationalities, the following papers are required:
** A passport valid for at least six month
** Two personal photos with a white background
** Filling in a visa application
** A photocopy of the residence card in the foreign country

Instructions :
The secure electronic visa was applied at some diplomatic and consular missions abroad, and at the different entry ports since 1/8/2007, and the program is currently being generalized in all the Egyptian missions abroad.

Fees For Urgent Entry Visas

Single-entry visa: 25 US Dollars
Multiple-entry visa: 35 US Dollars

Contact Us
Tel : 25796334 – 25746872 – 25746871 – 25796338 – 25796342
Foreigners and Legalization Affairs : foreign.legalization AT mfa.gov.eg
Citizens’ Complaint Unit : Contact.Us AT mfa.gov.eg
Tel : 25748620
Fax: 25767967

The Role of the Ministry :
The Role of the Ministry within the Egyptian General Policy :
The Egyptian foreign policy is an essential component of the Egyptian general policy. It serves its goals and objectives, particularly in the areas related to the diplomatic functions.
The work of the Egyptian diplomatic corps is distributed amongst embassies and consulates of Egypt and affiliate offices abroad involving 531 diplomats from the diplomatic corps hierarchies between ambassadors and attachés, where 449 diplomats from the Foreign Ministry in Cairo follow-up and guide the work of the Egyptian Missions abroad.

They are entrusted as well to manage relations with the diplomatic and consular corps accredited to Egypt being one of the world countries holding many foreign representations.

The number of foreign embassies and consulates resident in Egypt are about 165, reaching 240 missions after adding governmental, official and regional offices working in Egypt, further to being the Headquarters of some international organizations specially the League of Arab States and others.

These countries and organizations chose to have their headquarters in Egypt to cover their relations with some other neighboring countries as non-resident representation, in recognition of Egypt’s weight and regional and international role, and in commitment to applying the international principle of “reciprocity”. The Role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the service of the State’s goals and supporting democracy in post-revolutionary period

Since development is considered one of the key objectives of the state’s general policy, the Foreign Ministry engages in the country’s comprehensive development efforts by trying to attract foreign investments, obtain economic assistance, and facilitate technology transfer. To accomplish this, specialized departments for international cooperation and economic relations have been established within the Ministry, which coordinate and cooperate with other Egyptian ministries and institutions working in those domains.

The Ministry also seeks to maintain strong bilateral and multilateral relationships, which is another essential goal for the Egyptian general policy. Strengthening traditional friendly relations as well as building new relationships enables Egypt to exercise influence and pursue Egyptian interests all over the globe.

Traditional relationships, such as those with African and Arab countries, are maintained primarily through interactions within the regional organizations; mainly the African Union and the Arab League.

Bilateral relations with Arab and African countries are also promoted through undertaking continuous consultations, widening the scope of cooperation in various fields, as well as exchanging expertise in the different areas of development.

The Ministry is also committed to boosting Egypt’s strategic relationships, such as those with the United States and the European countries, which helps Egypt in its sustainable development efforts, and serves the Egyptian strategic regional and international objectives.

Ever since the link between what is domestic and what is international grew, the Foreign Ministry has been cooperating with the international community through international organizations such as the United Nations. Transnational threats, such as global terrorism, international organized crime, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, have emerged and spread widely over the past years, and can be addressed only through collective action.

Therefore, the Ministry tries to play an active role in the UN and its specialized agencies, as well as in various other international institutions to foster international peace, security, and economic development.

Promoting understanding and appreciation for the Egyptian culture is another main objective pursued by the Egyptian foreign policy. The cultural sector in the Egyptian Foreign Ministry contributes profoundly to enhancing relationships between Egypt and various countries all over the world.

This sector cooperates with other Egyptian institutions such as Al-Azhar University, the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and the Ministry of Education to offer scholarships and training courses to African and Asian students. The Ministry also coordinates between the Egyptian cultural institutions and their counterparts in those countries to organize cultural activities and folkloric events which help bring diverse nations closer together.

Categories: Egypt
Tags: mfa.gov.eg

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