suezcanal.gov.eg Toll Calculator Egypt : Suez Canal Authority

Organization : Suez Canal Authority
Type of Facility : Toll Calculator
Country: Egypt

Website : http://www.suezcanal.gov.eg/

Toll Calculator :

Please note that the aim of this calculation is to give an estimate tolls.

Related : Orange Egypt Payment Facility : www.statusin.org/27658.html

Calculate Here : https://www.suezcanal.gov.eg/English/Pages/default.aspx

Additional Charges:
a) Imposed Tugs:
Refer to “Rules of Navigation” part I CH III Sec III.

b) Pilotage:
Refer to “Rules of Navigation” part I CH I Sec II.

c) Gross Ton Dues (900 USD):
If SCGT > 80000 TON

By Other Authorities:
a) Ports & Harbors: A $ 0.13 / SCNT.
b) Mooring: Refer to www.cmlegypt.com .
c) Search Light: Refer to www.cmlegypt.com .

Calculation Remarks:
Ship Type:
There are 13 ship types according to the Toll Circular. (See Toll Circular)

Suez Canal net tonnage, on which all dues and charges to be paid.
SCNT Certificate can be issued by the competent authorities. (See Rules of Navigation )
If you don’t have the SCNT, enter the GT in the SCNT field

The acceptable currencies for dues payment are:
1. US Dollar 4. Jabanese Yen 7. Danish Krone
2. Euro 5. Canadian Dollar 8. Norwegian Krone
3. Sterling Pound 6. Swedish Krona 9. Swiss Franc

Toll Table :
Info :
** Ballast product Tankers are to be charged at the same rate of ballast oil tankers.
** Ballast chemical/oil tankers are to be charged at the same rate of ballast oil tankers.
** Loaded combined carriers are to be charged according to the kind of cargo.In case of carrying more than one type of cargo, such carriers are to be charged at the rate of petroleum products tankers
** Ballast combined carriers are to be charged at the rate of ballast dry bulk carriers

The currencies accepted for the payment of transit dues are:
** U.S Dollar
** Sterling Pound
** Euro
** Japanese Yen (JPY)
** Canadian Dollar(CAD)
** Swedish Krona (SEK)
** Danish Krone(DKK)
** Norwegian Krone (NOK)
** Swiss Franc(CHF)
** Chinese Yuan

Marketing Policies :
Philosophy of SC Tolls :
The philosophy of SC tolls is based on :
** Considering the earning capacity of the transiting vessel.
** Comparing the ship cost through the SC route with other alternative routes.
** Enlarging the number of potential canal transit beneficiaries as a step to increase the canal revenues.

** Sharing part of the saving achieved by transiting vessel.
** Giving due consideration to market condition and economic variants.
** Considering the vessel type and size, loading condition and cargo type.
** Maintaining the application of non-discriminatory measures.

Flexible Pricing Policies :
SCA adopted a flexible marketing policies so as to encourage vessels to use the SC and to attract new customers, such as :
** Long Haul Rebate System.
** Tolls Permanent Reductions.
** Cargo Incentive Rebate Policy.
** Co-operation with SUMED pipeline.
** Time Saving Service.??

Toll Rebates :
1- Long Haul Rebate System (Circular 4/ 2013)
** In April 1987, SCA adopted flexible marketing policies so as to encourage vessels to use the Suez Canal and to attract new customers.

** Reduction to Long Haul vessels that don’t use the SC, as the Canal tolls exceed the savings that could be achieved when using other routes.
** This reduction had been decided case by case after studying the total costs for such vessel via SC and the alternative routes.

** A fax to the attention of director of Planning Research Dept. before sailing date by 48 hours at least attached with the rebate required form.
** S.C. Tolls without any reduction to be submitted before transiting by your agent.
** The granted rebate will be realized upon receiving the following documents.

Rebates Request Form :
Documents Required :
** The original documents need to be received by Suez Canal Authority not later than six months after transit. Otherwise, the rebate granted will be cancelled.

Remarks :
** For the above documents, signature and stamp in original by Port Authority or Customs Office are required.
** Bill of lading and cargo manifest is required (if any).

Rebate Conditions :
** The validity of reduction is 70 days from the first date of SCA response to the rebate request. However, when the 70 days are over no rebate is to be enjoyed. Therefore if this duration ( 70 days ) may be exceeded a new rebate request form shall be submitted to SCA to restudy the case provided that the request is received by SCA before the sailing date .

** Should the vessel, for any reason, change load or discharge port from those stated in the original Bill of Lading or manifest, a revised calculation is to be presented to the S.C.A. showing the new reduction required. New documentation is to be presented accordingly.**

Contact Us:
Public Relations:
ADDRESS: Irshad Building – Ground floor, Ismailia 41515, Egypt
TEL : +2 064 3393950
FAX: +2 064 3392823

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