tra.gov.eg License Procedure Egypt : National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority

Organization : National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority
Type of Facility : License Procedure
Country: Egypt

Website : http://www.tra.gov.eg/english/DPages_DPagesDetails.asp?ID=241&Menu=1

License Procedure :

Procedures, Conditions and Rules Governing Telecommunications Services Licensing Issue:
Reference to the Telecommunications Regulation Law No. 10 / 2003 where article (22) of the Law stipulates that the request of obtaining the licenses referred to in article (21) shall be submitted on the forms to be set by NTRA accompanied with the data and documents defined thereby, particularly the provision of evidences establishing the license applicant’s technical and financial ability.

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The request shall comprise the proposed bases for pricing the service and the method of its computation.

Based on the foregoing, NTRA prepared the following forms :
Company Data Form:
It comprises the company’s data, the stockholders’ names, and the company’s experience and projects in the field of telecommunications in general, and in the field of the service subject of the license.

Service Technical Description Form :
It comprises the technical solution and the technology used in offering this service, as well as the technical information, the standard specifications of the system in use, the required frequencies, the proposed Numbering Plan, data of the service performance level, and the geographical coverage plan.

Commercial and Financial Description Form :
It comprises the commercial and financial plan for providing this service, a study of the Egyptian market status in the field of providing this service, tariff calculation structure, and the extent of using the local resources.

These forms are currently being used by NTRA for the requests submitted following the promulgation of the Law.

License Extraction Cycle:
Proposing the license for providing the services shall be through:
** Applications made by the telecommunications companies desiring to provide the service
** A decision from NTRA to apply the policy of providing a specific service or a new technology
** In all cases, a team work shall be assigned to study the proposed service and evaluate the technical, economic, and legal aspects, in addition to the organizational aspects for providing this service

In evaluating the service, several considerations shall be observed, comprising the following
** Studying the technologies used in this service and the possibility of harmonizing them with the current technologies being used in the Egyptian market
** Studying the frequency spectrum and numbering system resources required for the service;
** Studying the economic feasibility of providing this service and its effect on the sector
** Setting a regulatory framework guaranteeing the rights of all parties that comprise the service providers and the end users
** Following completion of the study, the subject shall be raised to the board of NTRA for obtaining a preliminary approval of providing this service
** NTRA shall then prepare the license agreement for providing this service in a way comprising the regulatory articles concerning the service such as the license period, the service provision fees, determination of the service price, the terms of payment, the geographical coverage plan, service quality standards, the commitment to provide the service, and the procedures followed in case of disconnecting the service, in addition to the standard conditions and rules, according to the Telecommunications Regulation Law, such as providing the service to the public of users without discrimination, providing relief and emergency services, guaranteeing telecommunications confidentiality and the conditions of complying with the general framework of interconnection agreements, etc… . The said license shall be submitted to the board of NTRA for its approval, as well as its certification by the other concerned quarters (the state council)

Following that, the appropriate method for providing this service shall be selected according to the type of service and the type of its relative license like
** A general license for providing the service, which shall be available to the companies operating in that field such as the internet services Class C license
** Providing the service shall be restricted to a limited number of companies, through a bid to be held for the provision of that service according to the conditions to be set by NTRA in this respect beginning with announcing about the bids, then the means of receiving technical offers and financial envelopes, the bases and regulators through which these offers are evaluated and the winning companies in the bid are elected to provide this service

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