qizegypt.gov.eg Registration & Renewal Egypt : Qualifying Industrial Zones QIZ

Organization : Qualifying Industrial Zones QIZ
Type of Facility : Registration & Renewal
Country: Egypt

Website : http://www.qizegypt.gov.eg/

QIZ Procedures :

To qualify under the QIZ Protocol, the following procedures shall be followed:

Related : National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority License Procedure Egypt : www.statusin.org/8476.html

1. Location:
Ensure that your company lies in one of the designated Qualifying Industrial Zones

2. Registration:
Registration forms and supporting documents must be submitted to verify the activity and location of each factory. Register Here

Register Here :

Companies wishing to register under the QIZ Protocol need to the follow the following steps:
1- Fill out and submit the online registration form.

2- Send the supporting documents to the QIZ Unit. The required documents are:
** Commercial Registry Or a Statement from the General Authority for Investment & Free Zones (GAFI) if the company lies in a Free Zone.
** Industrial Registry.
** Tax Card.

The documents shall be delivered to the QIZ Unit by either one of the below:
** Deliver by hand to: QIZ Unit, Ministry Of Trade & Industry, 2 Latin America Street , Garden City, Cairo
** Send fax: Attention: QIZ Unit on +2-022-794-8025, and call to confirm receipt.
** Scan and send by email to procedures AT qizegypt.gov.eg

3. Certification:
Completed applications will be reviewed by the QIZ Joint Committee, which is held every quarter, after which a certificate (valid for a period of one year) will be issued for the beneficiary company granting eligibility for duty free treatment in the US market

4. Conditions for renewal:
Completed applications will be reviewed by the QIZ Joint Committee, which is held every quarter, after which a certificate (valid for a period of one year) will be issued for the beneficiary company granting eligibility for duty free treatment in the US market

Name of company, contact person, address, telephone and fax numbers, email address of contact person.

Total exports of the company to the United States under the QIZ duty free treatment for the previous quarter, with the supporting documentation.

Guidelines For Completing The Quarterly Review Form
Companies are required to submit the following documents :
** The completed Quarterly Review Form (signed by the contact person and stamped by the company stamp).

File 1: Export documents required (in order) :
** Customs Declaration Form (Form #13) of the shipment (Original: stamped “QIZ” at the customs authority for every shipment exported to the U.S under the QIZ Protocol).

** Commercial Invoice (Original : stamped “QIZ” at the customs authority)
** Adjustments to the Customs Declaration Form (if available)
** Statistical Form (Original: stamped with the GOEIC stamp)
** Bill of Lading (Original: for every shipment exported to the US under the QIZ protocol).

File 2: Import documents required (in order):
** Customs Declaration Form of the shipment (Original: stamped “QIZ” at the customs authority, for every shipment imported from Israel under the QIZ Protocol).

** Commercial Invoice (Original: stamped with the Israeli customs stamp and includes a declaration of the Israeli origin) covering a minimum of 10.5% ( Original: stamped “QIZ” at the customs authority).

** Certificate of Origin (Original: stamped with the Israeli customs stamp, in case certificate of origin is not available)
** Packing List (Original: stamped with the Israeli customs stamp)
** Services Invoice (if available)

File 3: Includes the following :
** Copy of Israeli invoices of the imported shipments from Israel under the QIZ protocol including the declaration of Israeli origin within the invoices or attached with an Israeli Certificate of Origin (stamped with the Israeli customs stamp and must be stamped by the Egyptian customs stamp “QIZ”).

General Remarks :
** At the Quarterly Review, QIZ companies shall submit all the necessary documents that provide evidence of export under the QIZ Protocol. The QIZ Unit will verify all export figures, under QIZ, with the concerned parties. Accordingly, companies that fail to do so will be considered violating the provision of the Protocol and will be directly suspended. No exceptions are allowed.

** In the case of QIZ companies purchasing Israeli inputs from an Egyptian supplier (located in a free zone), companies are required to submit an invoice from the Egyptian supplier that includes a copy of the Israeli invoice that’s provided to the Egyptian supplier. Click Here.

** In the case of acquiring the Israeli inputs from another QIZ factory, both lying in a non-free zone, kindly note the following:
** Company A (vendor) shall provide Company B (buyer) with the original customs declaration form stamped “QIZ”
** Company A (vendor) shall surrender, to Company B (buyer), the total invoice value and not part of it.

** Company A (vendor) shall fill out a Surrender Form. Click Here.
** Such form has to be approved and signed by someone with an authorized signatory at any operator bank.
** In cases where any documents have missing stamps or the company doesn’t receive it till the quarterly review period, please fill out this form

** In case of divided Israeli Invoice on many QIZ Companies by QIZ company, According to Announcement no.78 dated 21/12/2015, the company has to deliver Total Invoice (Click here) with entire shipment document, in addition photocopy of Partly invoice (click here) which deliver to QIZ companies who buy products. The QIZ Companies which buy product from another QIZ company partly has to deliver original partly invoice with photocopy of Israeli invoice.

Categories: Egypt
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