eeaa.gov.eg EPF Environmental Protection Fund Egypt : Egyptian Affairs Agency

Organization : Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)
Type of Facility : Environmental Protection Fund (EPF)
Country: Egypt

Website : eeaa.gov.eg/epf/english.htm

Environmental Protection Fund (EPF):

The Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) is a fund established under Law 4/1994 within the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA).

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Its goal is to stimulate investment in the environmental sector in Egypt to support the government’s environmental. social and economic policies. To realize this goal, the EPF provides financial assistance on a competitive basis for projects that benefit the environment. In addition.

The EPF seeks to foster partnerships between the financial community and both the public and private business sectors to increase investment in environmental initiatives.

We do our best to provide the financial assistance to implement environmental projects according to the Environmental law 4/1994 and 9/2009.

We encourage investment in the environmental sector by supporting the environmental, social and economic policies to achieve the sustainable development.

Why is there a need for a fund to protect the environment?:
The Egyptian environment is increasingly under threat from human activity. Industrial activity, construction and population growth are all factors that cause degradation of the human environment and Egypt’s valuable natural resources.

The government has recognized the importance of protecting Egypt’s environment and has enacted Law 4/1994 with the objective of reducing pollution and preserving the environment for future generations. According to the new amendments in Environmental law no 9/2009, EPF is a separate Identity. This new form boosts more authority and potentialities to activate the role of EPF in protecting the environment and reducing all sorts and forms of pollution.

In order to realize environmental improvement, substantial investments need to be undertaken in the environmental sector. Investments are needed not only in the field of pollution control, but also in the development of environmentally friendly technology, the provision of environmental services and the establishment of sound environmental systems. This investment field has given rise to an innovative financial tool to stimulate environmental investment. Namely the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF).

Who can benefit from the EPF?:
The EPF provides financial support both to projects that return a financial profit, as well as those that are non-profit. All kinds of organizations may apply to the EPF for funding provided that they are legally registered and allowed to undertake the proposed project.

These include public and private sector businesses, educational and academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, as well as, government institutions and agencies. In all cases, applicants must be willing to provide a share of total project costs as it is the EPF’s policy not to provide a 100% of project financing and they must demonstrate their capability, both financial and technical, to undertake the proposed project.

What kind of projects will be considered for funding?:
General EPF guidelines for projects under consideration are:
** Projects that address severe environmental problems In need of urgent solutions.
** Projects that benefit a large number of people.
** Replicable projects.
** Projects that have been studied and are ready for implementation.
** Projects that fulfill sustainable development objectives. e.g., employment generation and poverty alleviation, based on cooperation between various agencies/sectors of society.

Every year the EPF issues a plan detailing financial support programs offered for that year. The plan specifies areas of focus based on environmental priorities, as well as the types of financial assistance that will be provided .

What kind of financial support can the EPF provide?:
The EPF is capable of providing financial support using a number of different mechanisms:
Grants :
Grants are offered to support the projects of governmental agencies, NGOs, universities and research centers in condition that the projects are applicable and not researches.

Soft Loans :
Is the Fund’s mechanism to support environmental projects that are financially viable and sustainable allowing the project holder to recover both investment and operating costs. Financial support is provided in accordance with defined guidelines and conditions enumerated in the Support Program.

Categories: Egypt
Tags: eeaa.gov.eg
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