Egypt General Organization For Export & Import Control GOEIC : Importer’s Registration

Organization : Ministry of Trade & Industry
Type of Facility : Importer’s Registration
Country: Egypt

Website : http://www.goeic.gov.eg/en/ex_newrecindex.asp?id=16

Importer’s Registration :

Application for registration (request for entry card) in the Importers Register in compliance with Law No. 121/1982 and its Executive Regulation issued by Ministerial Decree No. 343/1982

Related : Ministry of Trade & Industry Certificates of Origin Egypt : www.statusin.org/8481.html

Service Provider :
General Department for Importers’ Affairs

Service Location :
GOEIC Head Office and field offices are authorized to issue cards for the Importers Register (6th october . Alexandria, Port Said, Suez and Damietta).

Requisite Documents :
I. Documents required for Individual Traders (Sole Proprietors) registration in the Importers Register:
1. The completed entry application form (Form 1X for Importers) must be signed in front of the competent Department official by the applicant or by a representative authorized in the Commercial Register to sign. Signatures by power of attorney or certified bank signatures are also acceptable.

2. A copy of the current valid Commercial Register entry or an official certified copy. The original must be presented at the time of application. The entry should include the following:
** the address(es) of the main firm, shop or branches of the company
** an indication that import is included among the company’s activities
** verification of the capital requirement of no less than L.E. 10,000 for non-university graduates, or L.E. 5,000 for university graduates (a graduation certificate or equivalent must be provided).

3. A copy of a computerized tax card duly filled containing the company’s tax registration number and conforming to the Commercial Register data, along with the most recent tax declaration. The original tax card must be shown at the time of application.

4. A certificate from the appropriate chamber of commerce certified by the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce to verify commercial practices for a period of no less than two successive years before application for entry into the Importers Register. Individual traders who are university graduates will be exempted from this requirement, but shall be obligated to submit a graduation certificate instead.

A trader who is not a university graduate must have a certificate from his work entity in the government, public sector or local government unit indicating that the functions he was undertaking over the two consecutive years prior to leaving office were equivalent to trading practices.

5. For former employees of the government, public sector or public establishments or organizations or business sector or local government unit, the resignation or early retirement affidavit shall be required or any proof stating that he quit the functions he was undertaking in the above cited entities at least two years must have elapsed since leaving office.

6. For identity verification: A copy of the personal or family identity card or a valid passport. The original must be presented at the time of application.

7. For nationality verification, one of the following documents is acceptable to verify Egyptian nationality of at least 10 years or more:
** A copy of a family or personal identity card that is at least 10 years old.
** A copy of a birth, military or graduation certificate.
** At least two Egyptian passports covering at least 10 years.
In the case of naturalized Egyptian citizens, it is necessary that a minimum of 10 years has elapsed since acquisition of Egyptian nationality.
*Originals of these documents must be shown at time of application.

8. Declaration of registration in accordance with the Ministerial Decree no. 361/ 2005.
9. The Importers Register Declaration must be filled out and signed by the applicant before the official concerned or with a certified bank signature.
10. The importer has the right to enter in the Importers Register the commodity groups he requests (up to 21 commodity groups) according to the importation activity order recorded in the Commercial Register of a minimum 10 years.

The entry shall be issued for five years and shall be renewed every five years. The renewal application shall be submitted 90 days before the entry expires. If the application for renewal is not submitted within the 90 days before expiry, doubled fees will be charged to avoid removal from the Register (administrative strike-off).

II. Documents required for registration of the Limited Liability Companies and Simple Partnerships (general and limited partnerships) in the Importer Register:
1. The completed entry application form (Form 1X for Importers) must be signed in front of the competent Department official by the applicant or representative authorized in the Commercial Register to sign. Signatures by power of attorney or certified bank signatures are also acceptable.

2. A copy of the registered and authenticated company contract in accordance with the most recent amendments incorporated in the Commercial Register. The original must be presented at the time of application.

3. An official extracted copy of the current Commercial Register entry. The original entry card must be presented at the time of application. The entry card must include the following information:
** the main addresses of the firm, and affidavit that importation activity is part of the objectives of the company.
** the names of the partners and officers authorized to manage and sign on behalf of the company.
** capital of no less than

L.E. 15,000 for companies older than a year. The company shall forward a tax-certified budget with this amount of capital included. However, in case of a non-regular accounts, a bank deposit certificate along with a recent certified tax declaration shall be submitted.
L.E. 20,000 for newly established companies of less than one year.

On starting its activity, the company shall present a bank certificate indicating that an amount not less than L.E. 15,000 or the equivalent has been deposited in the company’s account as stated in the Commercial Register.

4. A copy of a completed computerized tax card containing the company’s tax registration number and conforming to the Commercial Register data, along with the most recent tax declaration as of first entry or renewal of register. The original tax card must be shown at the time of application.

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5. The following documents shall be submitted by all joint partners, limited partners and directors as well as officers authorized in the Commercial Register to manage and sign on behalf of the company:
A. For identity verification: A copy of the personal or family identity card. The original must be presented at the time of application. This applies for limited (inactive) partners.

B. For nationality verification, one of the following documents is acceptable to verify Egyptian nationality of at least 10 years:
** A copy of a family or personal identity card that is at least 10 years old.
** A copy of a birth, military or graduation certificate.
** At least two Egyptian passports covering at least 10 years.
** In the case of a minor limited partner, a copy of his father’s identification (on which the son’s name is recorded), even if the father is not a partner in the company.

** In the case of a partner whose personal or family identification card was issued less than 10 years ago, a copy of his father’s identification (on which the son’s name is recorded).
** In the case of naturalized Egyptian citizens, a nationality card that is at least ten years old. It is necessary that a minimum of 10 years has elapsed since acquisition of Egyptian nationality.

*Originals of cards and documents must be shown at the time of application.
C. Declaration of registration in accordance with the Ministerial Decree no. 361/ 2005.
D. A decree specifying resignation from or termination of office for ex-civil servants or former employees of the public sector or local government units. At least two years must have elapsed since leaving office. This decree must be furnished whether or not the partner is a university graduate since his work in the government should have matched his trade-related activity, if any.

6. A copy of the most recent Company Record, which includes the incorporation contract and rules of procedure, and any amendments to the contract. The information in the Company Record must conform to the data in the Commercial Register. The original of the most recent contract and any amendments must be presented at the time of application.

7. The Importers Register Declaration must be filled out and signed before the competent Department official by an officer authorized to manage and sign on behalf of the company or a certified bank signature.

8. The importer has the right to enter in the Importers Register the commodity groups he requests (up to 21 commodity groups) according to the importation activity order recorded in the Commercial Register of a minimum 10 years.

The entry shall be issued for five years and shall be renewed every five years. The renewal application shall be submitted 90 days before the entry expires. If the application for renewal is not submitted within the 90 days before expiry, doubled fees will be charged to avoid removal from the Register (administrative strike-off).

III. Documents required for the entry of money companies (Joint-Stock Companies and Partnerships Limited by Shares:
1. The completed entry application form (Form 1X for Importers) must be signed in front of the competent Department official or a certified bank signatures by an officer authorized to manage and sign or a representative authorized in the Commercial Register to sign.

2. A copy of the most recent Company Record, which includes the incorporation contract and its rules of procedure, and any amendments to the contract. The information in the Company Record must conform to the data in the Commercial Register. The original of the most recent contract and any amendments must be presented at the time of application.

3. An official extracted copy of the current Commercial Register entry. The original entry card must be presented at the time of application. The entry card must include the following information:
** the main addresses of the firm, and affidavit that importation activity is part of the objectives of the company.
** the names of the partners and officers authorized to manage and sign on behalf of the company.
** the names of Board members and any officers who are authorized to manage and sign on behalf of the company.

4. A copy of a completed computerized tax card containing the company’s tax registration number and conforming to the Commercial Register data, along with the most recent tax declaration. The original tax card must be shown at the time of application. Public sector companies shall be exempted from this requirement.

5. The following documents shall be submitted by the Board chairman and members, directors and officers authorized in the Commercial Register to manage and sign on behalf of the company (public and business sectors companies are exempted from this requirement):
A. For identity verification: A copy of the personal or family identity card. The original must be presented at the time of application.

B. For nationality verification, one of the following documents is acceptable to verify Egyptian nationality of at least 10 years:
** A copy of a family or personal identity card that is at least 10 years old.
** A copy of a birth, military or graduation certificate.
** At least two Egyptian passports covering at least 10 years.

** In the case of a partner whose personal or family identification card was issued less than 10 years ago, a copy of his father’s identification (on which the son’s name is recorded).
** In the case of naturalized Egyptian citizens, a nationality card that is at least ten years old. It is necessary that a minimum of 10 years has elapsed since acquisition of Egyptian nationality.
*Originals of cards and documents must be shown at the time of application.

C. Valid proof of a clean criminal record addressed to GOEIC for all persons listed on the Commercial Register.
D. A decree specifying resignation from or termination of office for ex-civil servants or former employees of the public sector or business sector or local government units. At least two years must have elapsed since leaving office. This applies to persons with commerce-like jobs, if any.

6. The Importers Register Declaration must be filled out and signed before the competent Department official by the officer authorized to manage and sign on behalf of the company. A certified bank signature is also acceptable; however, power of attorney is not in the case of personal declarations. Public sector companies are exempted from this requirement.

7. The importer has the right to enter in the Importers Register the commodity groups he requests (up to 21 commodity groups) according to the importation activity order recorded in the Commercial Register of a minimum 10 years.

The entry shall be issued for five years and shall be renewed every five years. The renewal application shall be submitted 90 days before the entry expires. If the application for renewal is not submitted within the 90 days before expiry, doubled fees will be charged to avoid removal from the Register (administrative strike-off).

Service-Providing Measure :
1. Submission of documents in compliance with Law 121/1982
2. Checking of documents
3. Technical review of documents
4. Financial auditing and fee collection
5. Temporary number is issued first, followed by entry in books under serial number
6. Photocopying of cards
7. Review of cards
8. Receipt of cards
9. Filing documents in archives
10. Insert card data into computer

Time Span Required for the Completion of Service :
48 hours from the of payment of fees at the Treasury

Categories: Egypt
Tags: goeic.gov.eg
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