Egyptian Tax Authority : Taxes Inquiry & Payment Service Egypt

Organization : Egyptian Tax Authority
Type of Facility : Taxes Inquiry & Payment Service
Country: Egypt

Website : https://www.egypt.gov.eg/Services/ServicesDetails.aspx?ID=111553&section=personas&meta=1
Payment Service : http://www.egypt.gov.eg/Services/TaxFrontend/Payment/ProcessingPayment/InquireClaimInformation.aspx

Taxes Inquiry & Payment Service :

In the context of the state’s policy to activate e-payment for governmental services on the Egyptian government portal .egypt.gov.eg, which is managed by the Ministry of Planning Follow-up and administrative reform, and with regards to the Egyptian Tax Authority’s willingness to enable and facilitate payment of taxes through electronic means for financiers in its efforts to stimulate tax revenues to fund the state treasury,

Related : Ministry of Energy Electricity Bills Payment Service : www.statusin.org/8484.html

The payment of tax dues electronically is now activated, providing query on the Egyptian government portal service through the electronic system of E-Finance.

Service Fees :
After entering the value of the tax to be paid the electronic system automatically calculates the value of the additional expenses which is e-payment fees and informs the applicant with the total value which is the sum of the tax value and the e-payment fees before redirecting to the payment page.

Tax Registration Number or Tax File Number or Facility Number

To inquire about general tax the Tax Registration Number is required. To inquire about tax rebate from the source the Facility Number is required. To inquire about sales Tax the Tax Registration Number is required.

Related Post

More Egyptian Tax Services:
Tip on the service:
Delivering numerous services such as submission of tax declaration,new tax card, and tax profile update. Other services include query of installments,visits and others.

Procedures and Services:
Services delivered are:
** Yearly tax return submission
** Tax card form submission
** Suggestions
** Complaints
** Stop business submission
** Payment query
** Request query

Registeration Identification Number:
Tax payers have to get their Registeration Identification Numberand Password from their tax branches or Main computer Department – Bab Alok, Cairo.

How can I issue an Electronic Certificate?
You can issue e-signature certificate via the four licensed companies listed below :
** The Egyptian Company for e-signature services and security Egypt Trust
** Egyptian Company for Networks and Information Security Security & Network Services (SNS)
** Misr for central Clearing, Depository and Registry (MCDR) Company
** Advanced Computer Advanced Computer Technology (ACT)

Steps to issue the electronic certificates at service providers :
** Go to the service provider
** Fill in the application form
** Submit all the required papers and documents required
** Sign the contract
** Pay the fees
** Wait until you receive the token containing your Digital ID and PIN
** You can now use the token in transactions enabling digital signature
For more information about the issuance work cycle and the required documents contact one of the companies mentioned above.

Q: What are the accessibility standards that the Egyptian government portal conforms to?
A: The accessibility standards are listed in detail here and summarized in the following:
** Web browsers portal compatibility
** Adopted standards
** PDF files
** Enabling Java

For people with special needs:
** Hidden links
** Shortcut keyboard access
** How to change font size
** Screen Readers

Categories: Egypt
Tags: egypt.gov.eg
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