Egypt Ministry of Health & Population : Egyptian Medical Care Service

Organization : Ministry of Health & Population
Type of Facility : Egyptian Medical Care Service
Country: Egypt

Website : https://www.egypt.gov.eg/Services/ServicesDetails.aspx?ID=100453&section=personas&meta=1

Egyptian Medical Care Portal :


Related : Ismailia Governorates E-Services Egypt : www.statusin.org/8487.html

Egyptian Medical Care Portal:
Tip on the service:
The Egyptian Medical Care Portal showcases potential medical care options in Egypt including hospitals and natural healing locations. The portal facilitates choosing the most suitable hospital for the patient’s condition and guarantees followup from the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population for his/her medical care trip. Patients can also find answers to their queries as well as their complaints and suggestions.

Service Provider:
Ministry of Health and Population

Needed Procedure:
The manner of obtaining the service through the Internet:
1. Fill in the application form on the portal. You can also attach copies of your test results or any documents to help with your diagnosis and sending you the most accurate response possible.
2. You can contact the Egyptian embassy in your country where your request for medical care is submitted in one of Egypt’s hospitals including copies of your test results and the Embassy’s medical consultan will communicate with the expatriate medical care committe on your behalf.
3. The committe will respond to you through the portal determining the medical care possibilities, the suggested hospital and estimated cost. You can also communicate with the portal directly by phone or e-mail as listed on the Contact Us page.
4. Now you know the date you will be admitted to the hospital as well as all the details of your trip. All you have to dois confirm your acceptance through the portal to initiate your hospital reservation.”

Ministries: Health

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What is an electronic signature?
Electronic signature is the signature used for any process that requires the user’s identity confirmation. It is used in banking transactions over the Internet, also used in some services such as e-government tax filing electronically.

Law No. 15 of 2004 regulates the e-signature process and established the Information Technology Industry Development Agency ITIDA operates the Egyptian Root Certificate Authority (Root CA) giving licenses to digital certificate services service providers.

The national root CA is the legal and national base upon which all IT applications, E-commerce and E-business transactions will be affected. It also provides cross recognition across Egypt and to other Root CAs in different nations.

How can I issue an Electronic Certificate?
You can issue e-signature certificate via the four licensed companies listed below :
** The Egyptian Company for e-signature services and security Egypt Trust
** Egyptian Company for Networks and Information Security Security & Network Services (SNS)
** Misr for central Clearing, Depository and Registry (MCDR) Company
** Advanced Computer Advanced Computer Technology (ACT)

Steps to issue the electronic certificates at service providers :
** Go to the service provider
** Fill in the application form
** Submit all the required papers and documents required
** Sign the contract
** Pay the fees
** Wait until you receive the token containing your Digital ID and PIN
** You can now use the token in transactions enabling digital signature
For more information about the issuance work cycle and the required documents contact one of the companies mentioned above.

Q: What are the accessibility standards that the Egyptian government portal conforms to?
A: The accessibility standards are listed in detail here and summarized in the following:
** Web browsers portal compatibility
** Adopted standards
** PDF files
** Enabling Java

For people with special needs:
** Hidden links
** Shortcut keyboard access
** How to change font size
** Screen Readers

Tags: egypt.gov.eg
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