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All posts from View Student Grade & Status Online Ethiopia : Hawassa University

Organization : Hawassa University
Facility : View Student Grade & Status Online
Country: Ethiopia
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How To View HU Ethiopia Student Grade?

Students can see their grades and status as needed. After logging in to the system by using the procedure below, you can view your grade and status. Performance graph is a series of year based status of CGPA of every year on the graph which have higher and lower values of grades of students.

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RTA Licensing & Registration

Go to the link of HU Ethiopia Student Integration System Online Portal.
Step 1 : Enter your Id Number or Registration Number
This username can be found on the ID of the student
Step 2 : Enter your Password
Step 3 : Click Login Button

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If you don’t have an account, please sign up using your details. Click on the sign up link for registration.
Step 1 : Enter your First Name
Step 2 : Enter your Middle Name
Step 3 : Enter your Last Name
Step 4 : Enter your Admission Number / SA Code
SA code is SA (System Access) code given to the students to access the system that is found on the registration slip.
Step 5 : Enter your Mobile Number
Step 6 : Enter your Email

Step 7 : Enter Password
Step 8 : Confirm New Password
Students can get their first login password in two different ways
Way 1 Use your Grandfather name (Last name) to the password
Way 2 Use your SA code that is found on your registration slip.

Step 9 : Click Register Button

To see the grade, students have to click View Grade first. Here you can view the your grades for all subjects you took or for selected subjects or per semester. Once you login please follow the below steps to view your grade.

Step 1) Click on View Grade on the main menu.
Step 2) Click on Grade information(if not selected) below the performance graph details.
Step 3) Click on Status Information to see the current status.
Step 4) Click on registered courses to the see the currently registered courses.

e-Courses In Hawassa University Ethiopia

Hawassa University e-Learning officially launched on march 2010 with four online courses by the title of Hawassa university e-courses using one of open source course management system which is Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment).

Objectives :
** Create an interactive teaching learning environment
** Make the teaching learning environment any time any where.
** Create flexible student-to-student and student-to-teacher interaction
** Making learning materials more accessible
** Motivate student to engaged themselves in teaching and learning process
** Improve student’s means of communication with their instructor or within their peers
Advantages :
** Improved communication with instructor
** Easy access to lecture materials
** Additional digital materials for further study
** Increased interactivity in learning
** Individual adaption of learning
** Increased media competency
For Instructors :
** Improves communication with students
** Efficient management of teaching materials
** No printing of handouts, etc.
** Semi Automatic marking & grading
** More flexibility of teaching
** Increased media competency
For Institution :
** Better equipped libraries
** Manage large quantities of inscribed students
** More efficient use of limited resources
** Improved student monitoring
** More efficient administration
** Preparation for international competition
Available Courses :
Courses which are fully designed and available for users are :
** Introduction to Computer Application
** Computer Architecture and Organization
** Fundamentals of Database Systems
** Fundamentals of Programming I
** Hydrology
** Engineering Mechanics II
** Research Methods in Agricultural Engineering
** Structural Engineering I
** Soil Engineering

Functions of Hawassa University Ethiopia

Hawassa University in Ethiopia serves as a leading higher education institution in the country. It offers various academic programs and contributes to research, development, and community engagement.

Here are some of the key functions and roles of Hawassa University:
Academic Programs:
Hawassa University provides undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs in diverse fields of study. These include natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, health sciences, business, agriculture, and technology. The university aims to equip students with knowledge and skills necessary for their respective professions.

Research and Innovation:
Hawassa University places emphasis on research and innovation. It fosters a research culture among faculty members and students, encouraging them to conduct impactful studies. The university conducts research in areas such as agriculture, health, technology, environment, and social sciences, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and addressing societal challenges.

Community Engagement:
Hawassa University is actively involved in community engagement and outreach programs. It collaborates with local communities, government organizations, and non-governmental organizations to address community needs and challenges. This may include providing training, conducting research to find solutions, and offering consultancy services in various fields.

Add a Comment
  1. How to show my result

  2. Yeabsra Wude Chernet

    How can i forgot login password, am fresh student

  3. We can not see our grade, why?

  4. In all I thank you for using this on line system, but it always timed out to use and challenging, so you have to be take correction, how we use it properly.

  5. Show my results.

  6. I want to see my results.

  7. I want to know my result.

  8. Let me know that, how to get my grade?

  9. Please show my result of ID 0009/11.

  10. My ID is 008/2011. Please show my result.

  11. I have forgotten my password, how can I get my password? Please help me.

  12. I can’t see my grade. Why?

  13. I have forgotten my password. How can I see my grade? My Id is Acfn/0214/09.

  14. I have lost my password. How can I see my result? My ID number is 0120/08.

  15. Please would you send me a browser with my new password? I have forgotten my previous password to view my grade status, on HU portal.

    Name: Frezer Teka
    ID: WPGCL/005/09

  16. I have lost my password. Please help me.


  18. I have lost my password. How I can see my grade?

  19. I want to view my grade report, how can I get it?

  20. Let me know, how I can get my Grade report?

  21. Mamuye Balcha Bali

    I want to know my grade report.

  22. I have forgotten my password. What can I do to get my password? Please help me.

  23. I am not getting my grade result. Why?


  25. I want to know, how I can see my result?

  26. I want to see all my grade of 1-5 years.

    1. I want to check my result of K/IT/0036/10.

    2. I want to check my result.

  27. I am not able to view my grade report.

  28. Mohammedzen Hussen

    I want to know, how I can see my grade.

  29. I went to see my grade report online but I have not got it. How can I see my grade by semester?

  30. I want to see my grade, but it is not active.

  31. I have requested admin many times to get my password even I sent SMS on 8232 so many times but I could not find it.I am LLM Commercial Law student. Please help me, I am unable to see my grades and my assignment results.

  32. I can’t find my grade, please show me, my ID number is Tech-sum/0153/07.

  33. Please, can I see my grade report?

  34. Please tell me, how can we see the result of second semester online?

  35. Andualem Desalew

    I have forgotten my password, how can I find out it?

  36. Please guide me to view my grade report.

  37. Please guide, how can I view my grade reports?

  38. I have forgotten my password &amp I don’t have an email ID. What shall I do? Please tell me.

    1. I have forgotten my password, how can I see my grade. Please help me.

  39. I have lost both my SIM card and password. How can I check my grade report please?

  40. I forgot my password but I tried many times to access my forgotten password but I couldn’t please help me?

  41. I have tried all the steps but nothing is replied except the invalid text.

  42. All the steps are clear but where is the menu? I have tried for so many times but unable to get it. Please make it clear.

  43. My account say invalid password and ID number because of this still I am not seen my grade report. What is the problem?

  44. My account has blocked for no reason. What shall I do now for reactivation?

  45. It is not working properly. Is it possible to view CEP student grade report?

    1. Login here “” to view student grade & status online.

  46. How can I change my password?

  47. How I can see my grade?

    1. How can I get my grade report?

  48. Please open my account. It is blocked.

  49. Getachew Tesema Jego

    How can I get my grade report?

    1. How can I get grade report?

  50. I personally come to register my ID CMR 005/09, at department block number 403, to observe my grade, but still now I haven’t observe my grade online.

  51. How can I see my CPGA? Please give an alternative.



  52. What if I don’t have SA code?

  53. How can I observe my second semester grade report? Please show me the direction. My I’d is CMR005/09.

  54. How can I see my grade in sport Science Dipp 2008 in First Semester?

  55. Daniel Tagele Yeshanew

    I want to know my grade. My Id number is 0113/07.

    1. 0025/11

  56. I cant get my CGPA. please send us my result. My id is 0127/08.

  57. I can’t find my 2nd semester grade. Please show me. My Id number is PGAER/004/09.

  58. Desalegn Yaekob Boroda

    I can’t find my grade. Please show me. My id number is Ls/0047/09.

  59. Where is main menu & how can I see the grade result?

    1. l want to see the wave and optics mark for first year distance of physics students at Hawassa university.

  60. Firehiwoit Yohanis

    How can I get my grade report? I’m studying fourth year law in Harass University.

  61. My grade is not getting from the system. Please insert into the system.

  62. I am looking for the value of A- grade for a 3 credit hour course which I found different results on this website. In some cases it says 11.5 and in the other 11.25, again, in Hawassa University’s website grading system it says 11.3. What is this all vague information, which one is the right one?

    And is this different across different credit hours? For instance, what is its value for a two credit hour course?

  63. Applying the steps I tried a lot, but I couldn’t find my grade. How can I find?

    1. I want to see grade result from Hawassa.

  64. Estella Kapuki Thomas

    How can I login to see my grade? Please guide me.

    1. My account has been blocked, how can I activate it again?

  65. Haw can I see my grade?

    1. Login using your user name and password in the above link to view grade.

    2. I forgot my password. My id is 0004/08.

    3. Enter your email id in the below link to retrieve your forgotten password.

  66. How can I see my grade?

  67. How can I login to my account? Please help me.

    1. You can use the below mentioned link to login :




  70. Where is the main Mamu & the grade result?

  71. Where is main menu & how can I see the grade result?

    1. Student Grade and Status:
      Students can see their grades and status as needed. After logging in to the system by using the procedure below, you can view your grade and status.

      Performance graph is a series of year based status of CGPA of every year on the graph which have higher and lower values of grades of students.

      To see the grade students have to click View Grade first. Here you can view the your grades for all subjects you took or for selected subjects or per semester

      Step 1) Click on View Gradeon the main menu.
      Step 2) Click on Grade information(if not selected) below the performance graph details.
      Step 3) Click on Status Information to see the current status.
      Step 4) Click on registered courses to the see the curently registered courses.

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