Admission Cards & Exam Results Online Ethiopia : National Educational Assessment Examination Agency

Organization : National Educational Assessment Examination Agency (NEAEA)
Type of Facility : Admission Cards & Exam Results Online
Country: Ethiopia

How To Download NEAEA Ethiopia Admission Card?

To download NEAEA Ethiopia Admission Card, Go to the official website of National Educational Assessment Examination Agency, then Choose Your school and Your Grade from the List then Click ‘Display Student list’ Button and When the list is populated with student list select your Name and Click ‘Display Admission’ then again wait til your Admission Card display.

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NEAEA Grade 12 Result 2023

NEAEA Ethiopia Grade 12 Exam Result 2022/2023

NEAEA Check Your Field & Institute Choice

How To Check NEAEA Grade 12 Exam Result?

Just follow the below steps to check NEAEA Grade 12 exam result online. Your grade 12 result can be obtained using your register number. Go to the official website of NEAEA provided above.

Step 1 : Click Student Result icon available in home page.
Step 2 : Result page will be opened, Enter the following details and get your score displayed on the screen.
1. Enter Your Registration No. [2598763]
2. Click on “Go” button, to get your result.

Related Post

How To Check NEAEA Grade 10 Exam Result?

Just follow the below steps to check NEAEA Grade 10 exam result online. Your grade 10 result can be obtained using your register number. Go to the official website of NEAEA provided above.

Step 1 : Click Student Result icon available in home page.
Step 2 : Result page will be opened, Enter the following details and get your score displayed on the screen.
1. Enter Your Registration No. [59876341]
2. Click on “Go” button, to get your result.

Exam Correction & Result Directorate

Monitored by Agency’s Vice Director and there are other accountable parties. Process the candidate Registration and record in database based on the yearly schedule

Student Placement and Documentation Directorate :
Monitored by Agency’s Vice Director and there are other accountable parties. Prepare certificate in hard and soft copy, also keeps the integrity of the data.Responsible for Re-certification authorization for internal and external country. provides record and documentation services for several years.

Exam Preparation & Directorate

There are two directors; Exam Preparation and Placement directorate Monitored by Agency’s Vice Director and there are other accountable parties. more
** Prepares exam administration manuals
** Prepares Table of specification for exam
** Prepares exam papers and makes class review
** Place students to the higher institutions

Functions of NEAEA Ethiopia

The National Educational Assessment and Examination Agency (NEAEA) in Ethiopia has several important functions related to educational assessment and examination processes in the country.

Here are some key functions of NEAEA:
National Examinations:
NEAEA is responsible for organizing and administering the national examinations in Ethiopia, including the Grade 10 General School Leaving Certificate Examination (EGSLCE) and the Grade 12 University Entrance Examination (EUEE). These exams play a crucial role in determining students’ academic progress and their eligibility for further education.

Examination Development:
NEAEA develops and formulates examination guidelines, syllabi, and item banks for various subjects and grade levels. They ensure that the examination content aligns with the national curriculum and educational standards.

Exam Registration:
NEAEA manages the registration process for national examinations. They set deadlines, establish registration centers, and collect the necessary information and fees from students and schools.

Categories: Ethiopia

View Comments (90)

  • my name is habtamu hailemeskel I'm grade 12 my entrance result is not correct please check it again especially math phy app& che

  • My name is Sifen Bekele Abdisa my is 135758 i'm really confused about my result please recheck for me. Specially in civics,english,physics&biology

  • My name is sifan Bekele Abdisa my is 135758 i'm really confused about my result please please recheck my result. Specially in civic,english,physics,biology

  • my exam result is not correct especially; English,History,Economics,Maths(social)
    please recheck my exam result
    Regestration number 144852

  • my exam result is not correct
    especially; English,History,Economics
    please recheck my exam result
    Regestration No- 144852


  • I am a grade 12 private student and scored 402, this score is good for me but, I fear about my placement. My register number is NO0871802.

  • I am from SNNPR, Sidama zone, my register number is 0868805. Could you please tell me the result of grade 10 of 2018?

  • I am a grade 10 student from west Arsi Zone. My register number is 0369873. Please tell my result.

    • I am from southern part of Ethiopia. My registration number is 0714854. Please tell me my grade 10 exam result.

  • Please check my result of English, Biology, Chemistry and Civics, specially English is totally error. Please check it again.

  • I took UEE in 2008. My placement was in DTU but I can not go due to personal problem. Now I want to take UEE by privately. So, can you please tell something about this?

  • I am a grade 12 student. I want to know my university field that I choose & amp;exam result of 2010. My register number is 599960.

  • I want to know my university that I chose my field. My register number is 681334.

  • My comment is concerning University placement and field. I have taken entrance exam of 2017 e.c and I get result. My registration number is 0542458.

  • Tell me on what day and at what time Ethiopian Grade 12th University placement can be released. Please tell me the truth.

  • My exam result is unexpected. Could you show my answer sheet and exam results? I think there is an error. Could you recheck again?
    Id Number : 530759

  • Please check my result. My school teachers&director expected me more than 600 but my result was 409 in 2017 exam result. My register number is 542996.

  • My second choice is Wolyta sodo university not Wolkitie university and I ask you to correct it as I say .Thank you

  • My Reg no is 775210. My last name is UMAR. This is the right one but now wrongly AMAR. What can I do? Please help NEAEA if possible correct it then send me other card.

  • I want to know my placement. I request your help to place me in Mekelle Universirty because it is city of knowledge.
    My registration no is 728183.

  • Please show/send me my answer sheet and exam result. I see unexpected results, it may be make a mistake during righting.
    Admission number : 0213102

    • My ID is 650820. I am a Social Science student. I got 398 but I didn't expect this mark. Please check it once again.

  • I want to see graduate assistant lecture exam result. Why not released still? I take economics exam from Debremarkos university.

  • Reg no : 517006
    I think there may be an error in both. Maths&SAT because I have checked it with different references. So please help me.

  • I haven't satisfied by entrance Exam.
    My Id No:539236
    Region 03 Schoole Debre Eliase
    I Think There Is Some Error.
    Could You Recheck Again?
    Specially: Physics,maths,biology,chemistry

  • I am asking that my exam answer sheets aren't operated/seen correctly. Any one who obligated for my request,please check my answer sheet in this moment of time!! I expect the corresponding response to my question!
    Grade : 12
    School : Shinshicho
    ID NO : 702706

  • I want to know how to register in ADAMA&ADDIS ABABA SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY in 2016. As I heard some info the register as well as exam is by online. Is it possible for countryside side students? There is not enough connection. So how can we compete by this method? : 622024

  • I want to see my exam result from grade 10 in 2016 and my Id no is 0078488 and also my school name is Aysaita Mohammed Hanfare high school.

  • Choose Your school and Your Grade from the List then Click ‘Display Student list’ Button and When the list is populated with student list select your Name and Click ‘Display Admission’ then again wait til your Admission Card display.
    What the hell is the above instruction for?

  • I take university entrance in 2008. But when I see my result my university choice is not there with it only the band is present. So what should I do?
    Reg no : 742273.

  • Please check my result. Some are incorrect as I done like (civic,history,,English ).
    Just true value I need and again see for me grade 12th.

  • I am grade 12 student. My reg.No is 562249. My exam result is not comparable as I have done it. I think it has an error. Please check it again. I want it to be checked.

  • I was taken entrance exam in 2008 E.C/2016 G.C and I need your help to re-check my exam result by rechecking my answer sheet especially maths,chemistry and civics.
    Reg No= 630891

  • I want to change my field of choice. Please help me that was not my mistake. So 1 medicine 2 other health 3 computer science 4 public health officer 5 engineering science and the rest others like they were before. I ask you to recheck on my result. Its 465 but i don't think so especially English.
    Please help .
    My school code is 04310101.
    Reg number : 665385

  • I have been took the 2008e.c university entrance exam that conducted from July 4-7 so with the released result I am not satisfied. I believed that it will have an error.
    Reg no : 581727

  • I want to know my examination result of grade 10 matric 2016.
    My admission number is 7227 in Aleta chuko high school.

  • I am a grade 10 student and I don't know when it will be released. Could you inform me by this number and my registration number is 0863878. Tell me my mark.

  • I want to know entrance result your registration number 607205. If point is released please inform your result by SMS. I expect good information .

  • When G12 exam result will be released 2008/2016? On this year I want to show my result in the first Ethiopian historical exam.

  • I want to know UEE result.
    My registration number is 607205. So if result is released please inform me by sms.

  • I'm graduated from university of Gondar in 2008 and I have taken a assistant lecturer exam. When will the result be released? Please inform me.

  • The way we see our result is not relevant. Because someone can put our ID number arbitrarily and see our result.

  • This is Wondwossen Kumilachew, father of Sossina who took the grade 12 National Examination. Would you please send me the format used for filling field and campus choice so that I can discuss with my daughter?

  • I was placed first to mekelle university but later changed to assosa university. What was the reason? I am from eastern tigray it is the difficult time to me because my parents not able to cover transport cost. If it is possible place change to my first choice if any comment please inform me.

  • My comment is concerning university placemen't and field.

    I have taken EHEECE exam of 2015 and I get a result.

    But I haven't get university and field .so I want to see my field .please pardon me

    Reg.No 689289

  • My, reg-# is 873496,school code 11110507
    I'm a private student & I have scored >50% that of 351
    With this result I cant join in the university. But why?
    What a policy?
    Really my result isn't poor

  • My Universty Choice Is Misplaced By The Mistake Of School Workers:when I Ask Them, "we can't Correct After This Time."they Said. Please Correct Like This 1.Addis Ababa Universty 2.Mekele Universty 3.Bahrdar Universty 4.GU 5.HWU 6...
    I need Your Help My Interest Is To Study Dental Medicine At AAU or MU

  • I want to change my field of choice by this order .1; engineering science ; 2;medicine 3, public health officer ;4 other health. 5;dental medicine. ;6 computer science 7 ; textile engineering 8; compential science 9 ; agriculture science ;10, veterinary medicine 11; veterinary science.
    My register number is :687168
    My choice is not correct

  • My name is seifu Badede (reg no 806834)
    I am so sad about my result
    Please recheck my result specially civic,english and physics.

  • I'm done my entrance exam at lehey high school which is in moyale but I have not got my result up to now. Tell us the true what is wrong with our result
    No 739552

  • My name is Wudnesh Lafebo Foto. My id is 763192. My question here is why my field choice is copied correctly to web or why you had changed my choice. I put 1. PUBLIC HEALTH. 2. OTHER HEALTH. 3. NATURAL AND COMPETITION SCIENCE in the first 3 places. But you made it medicine, engineering and dental medicine. My firs choice become 4th. Please check and correct it, because I will succeed well with it if fortunately i got public health. Thank you!

  • I have taken the 2015 grade 12 university entrance examination and I have doubt in this result. I think there is problem. I score good result at school but in this exam I score 262. So please I will ask you to check my result again for all the seven subjects especially civics. I am social science student. I can do better than this result. Please let me know if there is problem. I came to your office but they told me to write in your website. Please make it quick i need it for college entrance or job

  • My name is Misrak Ababu Anbese and my reg.NO is 793059. My result is not correct.
    Mmy booklet for each subject is as follows
    ENG 12
    BIO 33
    CIV 52
    APT 20
    CHE 29
    PHY 23
    MATH 15
    I am a grade A student and I expected a good result and I know I did well. Please check my results for me. I want to study medicine and I scored 6A in my grade 10 EGSLCE once again. Please check my results.

  • Subject Result
    English 44
    Scholastic Aptitude70
    History 33
    Maths, Soc. Sc. 29

  • I am graduated in this year and we take an exam that moe to select a lecture from graduated students. So how can we see our result whether we are passed or not? Please give a short and precise answer to me.

  • My comment is about my university choice. I have chosen universities I went and returned it back to the head of our school. He said that he had posted univ. choices of all students, but me and some students can't check our choice because it says "not chosen" on university choice. Please inform me the reason and the solution on comment

  • You said that Grade 12 Exam Result Will Released But You Didn't Say Any thing About The Year .
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