judiciary.gov.vc : Birth Registration St. Vincent & Grenadines

Organization : Judiciary
Type of Facility : Birth Registration
Country: St. Vincent & Grenadines

Website : https://www.gov.vc/

Judiciary How to register a birth

Where to register the birth?:
You must register your baby’s birth in the district where your baby was born. For example all babies born at the Kingstown Memorial Hospital must be registered at the main office in Kingstown, while babies born in Mesopotamia must be registered at the post office in Mesopotamia and likewise.

Related : Judiciary Apply For Marriage Certificate St. Vincent & Grenadines : www.statusin.org/8646.html

When to register?:
Three (3) months is allowed for the registration of a birth. There is No Cost for registration during this time. After this period, a request for a late registration has to be made to the Registrar General. There is no direct penalty for late registration, however the legal process required to be followed effectively levies a penalty both in cost, time and effort.

Who can register the birth?:
** The parents of a child are responsible for having the child’s birth registered.
** If the parents are married to each other the father or mother registers the birth.
** If the parents are not married to each other the mother registers the birth.
** If the parents are not married to each other and the father acknowledges paternity and is desirous of having his name entered on the birth record both parents must be present at the registration of the birth. However addition of the father’s name can be done after registration.

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How to add a father’s name to a birth certificate?:
** If the child is under a year old, both parents must sign a consent form in the presence of the Registrar General.
** If the child is a year and over, both parents must sign a Statutory Declaration Form in the presence of the Registrar General.
** If parent(s) are overseas then the overseas parent(s) must sign the form in the presence of a notary public while the local parent will sign in the presence of the Registrar General.
** If the mother is dead the father will sign the relevant form and attached a copy of the mother’s death certificate to it.
** If the father is dead, addition of his name must be done through the court.

Is there a fee for adding the father’s name?:
The father’s name will be added free of cost for a child under a year (1) old. However for children a year and over you will incur a cost of EC $10.50 in stamps if both parents are alive. If the mother is dead you will be charged EC $5.50 in stamps.

To register a child you will need:
** The names of the child
** Identification card of parent(s)

What you will be given after registration?:
On registering your child you will be given a vaccination form to be taken to the clinic which the baby attends.

ALL babies born in St. Vincent and the Grenadines MUST be registered within THREE (3) MONTHS from birth

Contact Us:
High Court

Tel: 784 457 1220; 784 451 2944
Fax: 784 457 1888
Email: SVGregistryhighcourt@gmail.com

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