education.gov.vc : Accreditation St. Vincent & Grenadines

Organization : Ministry of Education
Type of Facility : Accreditation
Country: St. Vincent & Grenadines

Website : https://education.gov.vc/education/

Accreditation Unit :

About the Unit
** The unit is located within the Ministry of Education.

Related : One Laptop per Student St. Vincent & Grenadines : www.statusin.org/8647.html

** It works in collaboration with the National Accreditation Board [NAB].
** It is expected to assist in facilitating the registration and accreditation process.

It is responsible for conducting due diligence on:
** Institutions
** Individuals associated with programmes and institutions

Role of the Unit:
The Unit also:
Provides guidance and information on the accreditation status of institutions and programmes to members of the public.

What is Accreditation?:
** Certification of competence in a specified subject or area of expertise.
** Certification of the integrity of an agency, firm, etc.

What are Degree Mills?:
One – Institutions that offer degree programs that can be completed in an irregular period of time (some in only days) or with little or no academic work being done by the student.
Two – These Degree Mills offer their diplomas in exchange for up-front tuition or a flat fee.
Three – They typically have no admission standards such as standardized testing grades, referrals, endorsements, application essays or transcripts such as traditional, accredited universities require.

Online Degrees:
Many online universities are fully accredited and require students to apply and submit work as they would at a traditional brick and mortar university.
However, there are also numerous Degree Mills online that offer degrees in exchange for tuition.

Mail Order Degrees:
For a set amount of money or tuition fee, students can send away for a diploma and receive one in the mail from that organisation.
These institutions are not recognised by any higher education governing bodies.

Increase in Local Agents:
An increase in the number of local agents who facilitate the use/access to these services.

The Accreditation Unit is asking for your assistance in promoting the use of genuine institutions

School Feeding Programme :
** The EPMU is responsible for the overall management and administration of the proposed education project, including its overall coordination and implementation, coordination of the contributions of participating entities, and communication with the World Bank and the Department for International Development (DFID).

** The PMU is responsible for the procurement of all civil works, goods and services under the project, the preparation of progress reports, maintenance of all project financial accounts and preparation and processing of applications for withdrawals of proceeds from the Loan and Credit.

** Implementation of project components. Project components are executed at the local level by the respective ME units, with oversight by the EPMU and ultimately by the Project Steering Committee.

The DFID-supported components are executed in collaboration with a DFID-appointed Service Provider responsible for identifying and hiring the required consultants. Overall project implementation will be guided by the Project Operational Manual (POM) which includes an Implementation Plan, a Financial Management Manual and a detailed Procurement Plan.

The EPMU (Technical Unit) is responsible for the administration and implementation of all externally financed education sector projects for the Ministry of Education and comprise the following personnel:
** Project Coordinator
** Administrative Assistant
** Project Officer – Civil Works
** Consultant – Civil Works (on an as-needed basis)
** Project Managers responsible for implementation of each international donor-funded project in the education sector (WB/DFID-funded OECS Education Development Project (OEDP) and projects financed by the European Union, the Caribbean Development Bank and the Republic of China, among others).

The PMU (Fiduciary Unit) is in charge of all fiduciary aspects of the World Bank project and will comprise the following personnel:
** PMU Coordinator-Emergency Recovery Disaster Management Project (ERDMP)
** Financial Management Specialist and Assistant
** Procurement/ Contract Management Specialist and Assistant
** Administrative Assistant – ERDMP
** Administrative Assistant – Education project
** Administrative Assistant – HIV/AIDS project
** Consultant – Financial Management /Procurement (on an as-needed basis)

Contact Address :
Permanent Secretary
Ms. Morine Williams
Tel No.: (784) 457-1104
PBX No. : (784) 456-1111
Ext No : 441
Fax No : (784) 45
E-mail : office.education AT mail.gov.vc

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