companieshouse.gi Apply For e-Filing Services Gibraltar : Companies House

Organization : Companies House Gibraltar
Type of Facility : Apply For e-Filing Services
Country: Gibraltar

Website : https://www.companieshouse.gi/index.html

Apply For e-Filing Services :

Existing Companies House Web Account Holders will only need to request a UID (Unique IDentifier) number from Companies House by filling in the UID Application forms

Related : Chamber of Commerce Certificate of Origin/ Registration Gibraltar : www.statusin.org/8754.html

Download Here : https://www.companieshouse.gi/login.html

Once the application is received and processed, a UID will be sent via email with a letter to follow by post confirming your authentication password.

e-Filing of Annual Accounts:
Companies House has been a pioneer in Gibraltar in leading the way to enable the citizen to communicate with the records held at Companies House. The Company Profile has been available on line for more than twelve years. Users of the registry have now for two years been able to consult company records on line including all company accounts.

Companies House users have been able to download copies of all statutory documents filed at the Registry within three working days of having being manually delivered for registration since June 2012. It was already possible to consult and to request on line any filed annual account of a Gibraltar registered company on the Companies House website, now it is possible for the users to file electronically any annual accounts of a Gibraltar registered company.

The latest development in Companies House E-Registry allows for signed and scanned accounts of a Gibraltar company to be filed electronically by the company’s directors or secretaries once they have applied for a UID (Unique IDentifier) and have received a secure password. The pro-active Database of Companies House will identify the signatories of the document being filed as the Directors of the company as at the date of filing. The document will then be automatically validated and stamped electronically to form part of the records of the company and available for downloading within 24 hours.

The system has been designed to be extremely user-friendly and at the same time very secure and include a system of double checks. The system had to comply with the standards required by the EU Registries common electronic platform for the exchange of information. Over the next six months this facility will be extended to other documents filed at the Registry.

It is an important step in the E-Registry project initiated and managed by Companies House Gibraltar, and is part of the larger commitment of the EGovernment of HMGoG.

Contact Us:
Companies House Gibraltar:
1st Floor
The Arcade
30-38 Main Street
P.O. Box 848

Tel: (350) 200 78193
Fax: (350) 200 44436

Opening Hours:
For filing documents : 10 am to 3 pm.
Office (from the mid-June Bank Holiday to the 11th of September) : 8:30 am to 4 pm.
Office (from the 11th of September to the mid-June Bank Holiday) : 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Categories: Gibraltar
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