gibraltarchamberofcommerce.com Certificate of Origin/ Registration Gibraltar : Chamber of Commerce

Organization : Chamber of Commerce
Type of Facility : Certificate of Origin/ Registration
Country: Gibraltar

Website : http://www.gibraltarchamberofcommerce.com/services/export-services-and-documentation/#

Certificate of Origin/ Registration :

Certificate of Origin:
A Certificate of Origin is required by most countries to establish proof of origin of the goods being imported. Certificates issued with the Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce seal, meet the requirements of most overseas government agencies and commercial entities.

Related : Policy Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses : www.statusin.org/8755.html

The document has a provision to state the total value of the items in question, normally stated with an exact or approximate value. Where this is not relevant the applicant can mark the certificate NVD (No Value Declared) although this will be the responsibility of the applicant.

What we need to be able to issue a Certificate of Origin is a commercial invoice, a statutory declaration signed by a notary public registered in Gibraltar and a copy of the cargo manifest (if available).

Members: £33.00
Non Members: £75.00

Certificate of Registration or Status:
This service is provided on the basis that sufficient evidence in support of certification is supplied by the applicant e.g. export license, registration of company, certificate of incorporation etc.

Members: £20.00
Non Members: £45.00

Document Certification:
The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that permits duty-free and tax-free temporary import of goods for up to one year. The Chamber Of Commerce is the only body in Gibraltar to issue ATA Carnets allowing temporary export of goods into certain foreign countries.

ATA Carnets :
The ATA Carnet is an international customs document that permits duty-free and tax-free temporary import of goods for up to one year. The Chamber Of Commerce is the only body in Gibraltar to issue ATA Carnets allowing temporary export of goods into certain foreign countries.

ATA Carnets cover :
** commercial samples;
** professional equipment;

** goods for presentations or use at trade fairs, shows, exhibitions and the like. Processing for each of these documents varies but they can usually be processed within 1 working day once all the information has been received.

Members: £150.00
Non Members: £175.00

** This service is provided on the basis that sufficient evidence in support of certification is supplied by the applicant e.g. export license, registration of company, etc.

Signature Certification:
This service is provided on the basis that sufficient evidence in support of certification is supplied by the applicant e.g. export license, registration of company, etc.

Members: £20.00
Non Members: £45.00

Call for confirmation on : +350 200 78376.

Business Facilities :
The Chamber has its own dedicated offices and is able to offer the following services to its members :
** Rooms for conducting out of office meetings, interviews or when you need a secure and discreet location for confidential discussions

** Presentation facilities for audiences of up to 25 people with state of the art audio & video facilities
** Broadband wireless internet access
** Conference call via “Spider Phone”
** Rooms are available from 10 am each day.

** Please call on +350 200 78376 or contact us to enquire about rates and availability.

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