gibtele.com Billing & Payment Gibraltar : Gibtelecom

Organization : Gibtelecom
Type of Facility : Billing & Payment
Country: Gibraltar

Website : https://www.gibtele.com/

Billing & Payment :

For the convenience of its customers, Gibtelecom produces a unified monthly invoice for all its services: fixed, mobile and internet. Several payment options are available:

Related : AquaGib Pay Bills Via Direct Debit & Email Gibraltar : www.statusin.org/8761.html

Direct Debit:
As a Gibtelecom customer you can have your payment automatically withdrawn from your bank account using Direct Debit.

Advantages of paying by Direct Debit are:
No time wasted queuing or travelling when settling your invoice
Environmentally friendly: less paper = less waste!
First 2 months FREE line rental on application
Peace of mind – avoid worrying about having your service disconnected or losing your number(s)

Please contact one of our Customer Service Representatives to subscribe to Direct Debit or download the form here and post us the signed original to Gibtelecom Ltd, 15/21 John Mackintosh Square, PO Box 929, Gibraltar.

**Please note the following changes to Direct Debit with effect from 1 September 2013**

Gibtelecom has introduced some changes to its computerised system for customer services, billing and network records. As part of this, the Company’s main services (fixed line; mobile; and internet) which were previously shown separately under the same invoice, will be merged into one single billed amount. This is in response to customer feedback and will facilitate the streamlining of payment methods.

As from the October bill customers who are using direct debit facilities will now see one single direct debit entry appear in their bank statement. This single entry will be for the monthly total of all services contracted with Gibtelecom, unlike the previous setup where each service (ie fixed line; mobile; internet) is debited separately. Customers will no longer be able to make separate direct debit payments for the different services they have with Gibtelecom.

If you are a customer who had elected to pay PART of the services you have with Gibtelecom by direct debit and the other parts using other payment methods (such as by cheque, cash or debit/credit card) then you will have to complete a new bank direct debit mandate form to cover ALL services. For instance, if you have
** two services (eg fixed line and internet; or fixed line and mobile) and you only pay one of them by direct debit; or
** three services (fixed line; mobile; and internet) and you pay one of two of them by direct debit

then you will have to call in to Gibtelecom’s customer services centre at 15/21 John Mackintosh Square to make the necessary adjustments to your bank mandate so that payment is made for all services by direct debit. A Gibtelecom customer services representative will be on hand to help you through this process.

Self care – online account management:
Gibtelecom’s selfcare system allows you to view details of your fixed, post-paid mobile, and internet accounts via the internet.

You will be able to keep track of calls and the services you are billed for with free itemised billing, settle accounts securely with a debit/credit card and view details of all the payments made to each account.

Security has obviously been our primary concern and Gibtelecom has obtained a secure seal certificate from VeriSign authenticating the Selfcare system as a fully encrypted, certified secure service. All online payments are submitted and processed by WorldPay, a secure debit/credit card authentication service.

To register and/or obtain further information on this service you can visit our Customer Service Centre or call us on 20052200 (please have your account number to hand.

To pay by mail, please make sure you post your payment as early as possible. A return freepost envelope is included with each monthly bill.

Please place your cheque (with the reference number of the account(s) you are settling written clearly on the back) and the cut-off slip on the first page of your monthly invoice, in the freepost envelope provided.

In person:
You may settle your monthly invoice in person at Gibtelecom’s Customer Services Centre at 15/21 John Mackintosh Square. Opening hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 to 18:00 and Saturday 10:00 to 13:00.

Email bill:
You can request that Gibtelecom send you your invoice by e-mail instead of by post. Bills are received promptly at the beginning of the month and can be sent to any email address of your choice, and accessed wherever you may be. Email bills are also beneficial to the environment as they save paper, and can be stored electronically saving space and paper.

To sign up please call us on 20052200 or visit our Customer Services Centre at 15/21 John Mackintosh Square.

Categories: Gibraltar
Tags: gibtele.com
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