aquagib.gi : Pay Bills Via Direct Debit & Email Gibraltar

Organization : AquaGib
Type of Facility : Pay Bills
Country: Gibraltar

Website : https://www.aquagib.gi/

Pay Bills :

AquaGib offers various payment methods to our customers. Payment can be made in Cash, by Cheque or by Card, at our Cash Offices.

Related : AquaGib Apply For Potable & Salt Water Supply Gibraltar : www.statusin.org/8763.html

We also provide a freepost envelope with our bills for those customers who wish to use this method of payment (please note, we can only accept payment via cheque using this method)

If neither of these options is convenient or suitable then AquaGib also provides customers with the option to set up a regular Direct Debit payment.

Customers can now also pay Online, if bills are received by email, or by Bank Transfer.

Paying for your water supply has never been easier or more accessible!

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How do I apply for a Direct Debit?:
In order to set up a Direct Debit Mandate you will need to download the application form (here) or request it from our Customer Service Offices at:
Suite 10b
Leanse Place
50 Town Range

The form should be be signed and returned to us at the above address. If the form is completed under a company name, the company stamp will need to accompany the signature on the form.

How do I apply to receive bill by email?:
AquaGib is always trying to provide our customers with innovative and helpful services that reduce our impact on the environment, and paperless billing is the latest step towards a greener, sustainable approach to our services. If you wish to set up this service you can simply send us a request via this (link) or you can always fill in a form at our Customer Service Offices at:
Suite 10b
Leanse Place
50 Town Range

Please note, if you apply for this service you will no longer receive your hardcopy bill via standard post.

How to pay an email bill?:
AquaGib’s email bills contain a clickable link under the aged debtor section that allows you to pay that particular bill online via our online payments provider World Pay. To date, AquaGib does not currently offer an online accounts management system.

Alternatively, you can also print off the email, or take note of your account number and payment amount and pay it via any of our other payments methods listed above.

My water bill seems high?:
When water bills are higher than normal this is usually due to a change in consumption patterns.

These can be caused by:
** Carrying out building work or redecorating your property.
** Having problems with dripping taps or overflows.
** Having more people in the property.
** Using your washing machine more regularly.
** Replacing your shower with a power shower.
** Changing the size of your boiler.

Categories: Gibraltar
Tags: aquagib.gi
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