Gibraltar Marriages & Civil Partnerships : Civil Status & Registration Office

Organization : Civil Status & Registration Office
Type of Facility : Marriages & Civil Partnerships
Country: Gibraltar

Website : https://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/new/marriages-civil-partnerships#ancla1

Marriages & Civil Partnerships :

Civil marriages in Gibraltar:
The law:
In Gibraltar, marriage between a man and a woman is provided for under the Gibraltar Marriage Act.

Related : Civil Status & Registration Office Gibraltar Apply For Gibraltarian Status : www.statusin.org/8780.html

Under its provisions it is possible, by means of a special licence granted under Section 13 of the act, for residents and non-residents alike to get married in Gibraltar. It also enables a marriage ceremony to be conducted at approved locations outside the registry, outside working hours and at weekends.

General conditions for marriage and documents required:
General conditions:
In order to get married at the marriage registry by means of a special licence, you must be able to satisfy the registrar that you are free to marry by completing affidavits and signing them before a Commissioner for Oaths or a notary public of your choice in Gibraltar. A list of registered Commissioner for Oaths or notaries public will be provided by the registry upon request. Please remember, however, that Commissioner for Oaths and notaries public will charge you for their services.

Making an appointment for marriage:
To initiate the process you will first need to procure a booking for the marriage ceremony. You may do this either by attending our offices in person or by submitting a request by email or by post, including the required documents as specified above.

Subsequent formalities:
Once your booking has been made and the required documentation found to be in order, payment will be required in order to secure your booking. However, before the licence can be issued and before the marriage can take place, the original documents need to be submitted to the registrar and accepted by him.

Civil Partnership:
The law:
In Gibraltar, the civil partnership between two persons is provided for under the Gibraltar Civil Partnership Act. Under its provisions it is possible, by means of a special licence granted under section 12 of the act, for residents and non-residents alike to enter into a civil partnership in Gibraltar. It also enables a civil partnership ceremony to be conducted at approved locations outside the registry, outside working hours and at weekends.

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General conditions for civil partnership and documents required:
General conditions:
In order to enter into a civil partnership at the Civil Partnership Registry by means of a special licence, you must satisfy the registrar that you are free to do so by completing affidavits and signing them before a Commissioner for Oaths or a notary public of your choice in Gibraltar. A list of registered Commissioner for Oaths or notaries public can be provided by the registry. Please remember that Commissioners for Oaths and notaries public will charge you for their services.

Making an appointment for civil partnership:
To initiate the process you will first need to procure a booking for the civil partnership ceremony. You may do this either by attending our offices in person or by submitting a request by email or by post, including the required documents as specified above.

Subsequent formalities:
Once your booking has been made and the required documentation found to be in order, payment will be required in order to secure your booking. However, before the licence can be issued and before the civil partnership can take place, the original documents need to be submitted to the registrar and accepted by him.

Attendance in person:
Once the booking is confirmed, parties must then attend our offices not later than 12.45 on any working day prior to the date of the ceremony to present the originals, complete the corresponding affidavits and apply for a special licence. This may be done at any time up to a maximum of 3 months in advance of the date of the ceremony, or as late as the working day before the date of the ceremony.

The marriage & civil partnership ceremony:
The parties need to make arrangements for themselves and their guests to be at the marriage or civil partnership venue before the ceremony begins. If the marriage or civil partnership is to take place at an external location, they might also need to arrange for transport to convey the registrar to and from the marriage or civil partnership venue. If transport is required, arrangements are to be made when you come in to complete your paperwork.

Immigration requirements:
If you do not reside in Gibraltar and are not an EEA national, you may require a visa to enter Gibraltar. The registrar can advise you on whether a visa is required. If you require a visa, you will need to apply for one at Uk Visa Application Centres in your country of normal residence.

Further enquiries:
The Registry staff will assist you as much as possible. You may address any further enquires to:
The Registry of Marriages & Civil Partnerships
Civil Status & Registration Office
Joshua Hassan House
Secretary’s Lane

+ (350) 200 72289
+(350) 200 51725 (switchboard)


Categories: Gibraltar

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