egov.gi Vehicle Roadworthiness Booking & Cancellation Gibraltar : eGovernment Portal

Organization : eGovernment Portal
Type of Facility : Vehicle Roadworthiness Booking & Cancellation
Country: Gibraltar

Website : https://www.portal/classic/

Portal Vehicle Roadworthiness Booking

This service is available for the following vehicles:
** All motorcycles
** All private motor vehicles

Related : eGovernment Portal Trade Licence Renewal Gibraltar : www.statusin.org/8775.html

** Taxis
** All classic cars
** Goods vehicles up to 3,500 kilos

What do I need?:
** Registration number of the motor vehicle (number plate).
** Log book number.
** Credit card or debit card.

Optional information:
** E-mail address.

Please note that an online payment with a credit/debit card is required to make the booking. To pay by any other means the booking must be made over the counter at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Department, Eastern Beach Road.

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Request your booking details

What do I need?:
** Registration number of the motor vehicle (number plate).
** Log book number.
** Email address used to book your vehicle roadworthiness appointment.

Please note that you will only be able to have your vehicle roadworthiness booking details resent to you if you entered your email address when scheduling your vehicle roadworthiness booking.

Vehicle Roadworthiness Booking Cancellation:
What do I need?:
** Registration number of the motor vehicle (number plate).
** Log book number.
** Email address used to book your Vehicle Roadworthiness Booking.
** Vehicle Roadworthiness Booking reference number.


Please note that you are entitled to receive a full refund upon cancellation of your booking subject to the cancellation of your booking taking place at least 3 days prior to the date of your Vehicle Roadworthiness Booking. You will be required to visit the counter at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Department.

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Categories: Gibraltar
Tags: egov.gi

View Comments (5)

  • My wife's car G84230 which is due to be MOT on the 16th February, 2017 @ 11:10 and requires to be used between now and then. Is it possible to obtain an interim permission to use the vehicle during this period?

  • I have been trying for weeks to book. Your website doesn't work. Thank you to let me know what to do.

  • Your booking website for Road Worthiness does not work. Can you please advice? Just received letter today and it expires on 18th June 16.

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