planningexplorer.gov.gg : Planning Applications & Appeals Websearch Guernsey

Organization : States of Guernsey
Type of Facility : Planning Applications & Appeals Websearch
Country: Guernsey

Website : http://planningexplorer.gov.gg/portal/servlets/ApplicationSearchServlet

Planning Applications & Appeals Websearch:

Planning Applications are searchable on the Application Number e.g. FULL/2009/1234 or other details of applicant name or site address. Entries are not case-sensitive.

Related : Building Regulations Application Websearch & Webmap Guernsey : www.statusin.org/8808.html

You can either enter precise details or browse for an application using partial details.

For example if you enter the name of your house in the Address Search, you will find your application together with any other houses of the same name.

Similarly you can just enter the road or parish and get all applications which contain those details – e.g “vale” will give you all the planning applications in the Vale received since 6 April 2009.

If you want to narrow the search it is possible to choose one of the date types e.g. “Valid Application Received Date” or “Decision Date”

Any decision made by the Appeals Tribunal will be shown within the record for the Planning Application concerned but can also be searched using the Planning Appeal Panel Reference if available.

If you do not know the Application Reference Number or are unsure of the address then use the Planning Applications Webmap and try to find the site on the interactive map

Information provided by this service is updated overnight at the end of each day.

Planning Applications Webmap:
** Using this webmap you can find Planning and Building Control Applications made since 6 April 2009.
** You can search for the site, using either the Application Number, postcode or road name.
** A site that contains an Application will have a red outline. The colour will depend upon the type of Application.
** Choose the Query Item tool above, click on an Application site and all Planning and Building Control applications for that site will be displayed. Click on the number and a new window will open showing the details of that application.
** You may use the controls at the top of the map to move around the island and view details of any application on the Environment Department’s Registers.
** Zoom In – left-click, hold and draw a box. Let go and the map will zoom in on the chosen area.
** Zoom Out – repeat the above after choosing the Zoom Out button.

Protected Tree, Building & Monument Websearch:
The Registers for all Protected Trees, Buildings and Monuments can be accessed from this site. The records are searchable in a number of ways, a map (the most accurate), a searchable database or by reading through a downloadable document. The information on the database and the document is based on the name and road name of the property at the time the monument, building or tree was legally protected, this forms a legal document and cannot be changed.

Many properties have changed their name or been subdivided since they were originally protected and sometimes road names will have changed too. To be certain that you have the most up to date information please check on the Protected Trees, Buildings and Monuments Webmap link.

Browse on the map for any Protected Tree, Building or Monument using this link: Protected Trees, Buildings & Monuments Webmap.

If you know the Protected Monuments (PM), Protected Building (PB) or Protected Tree (PT) reference, type it into the “Reference Number” box below and click either “Search for Monuments”, ?Search for Buildings? or “Search for Trees”.

For Protected Buildings you can also use its full Cadastre Number in the “Reference Number” box and then click “Search for Buildings”.

You can also search by property name or address, note that this is the least reliable of the search methods and you are encouraged to use the webmap. Enter a property name, road or parish in the “Site Address” field and press the required button. For example enter “vale” and press “Search for Trees” to get all the Protected Trees in the Vale.

Search Tip:
Property names may have changed since the Register was set up and roads are often known by different names – if you did not find what you are looking for try using the postcode or look for it on the map by using the Protected Trees, Buildings & Monuments Webmap.

Please note that trees may also be protected by from removal by a condition on a planning application. You are advised to check with the Department before undertaking works to trees.

Where you need further clarification please contact the Department on 717200.

Information provided by this service is updated overnight at the end of each day.

Categories: Guernsey
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