maps.digimap.gg Mapping Services For Islands Guernsey : States Corporate System

Organization : States Corporate Digimap System
Type of Facility : Digimap Mapping Services For Islands
Country: Guernsey

Website : http://maps.digimap.gg/

Digimap Mapping Services For Islands :

A WebMap of Environmental Layers of Guernsey.

Related : Unemployment Benefit Guernsey Social Security Department : www.statusin.org/8820.html

** Recycling Points
** Sites of Nature Conservation Importance
** Streams, Quarries, Ponds and Reservoirs
** Water Catchment area
** Habitat (1999 and 2010)
** Coastline

Geographical :
A WebMap of Geographical Layers of Guernsey.

** Road Network
** Contours
** Topography
** Geodetic grids
** DWG Sheet Grid
** WGS 1984 Grid
** Perrys Grid
** 1897 OS Sheet Grid

Function :
** Cantons
** Ecclesiastical Boundaries
** Voting Districts
** Parishes

Function :
** School Names
** School Buildings
** Primary School Catchment
** High School Catchment

Mobile Phone Masts:
Find Mast location by selecting name from list. Click mast on map to show/download PDFs of its current CICRA Audit

For more information contact CICRA.

Tracking of :-
** Astra tracking Units
** Tetra Radios
** GPS enabled Phones

For more information contact Links comunications or Digimap ltd.

Planning and Building Control Applications :
** Using this webmap you can find Planning and Building Control Applications made since 6 April 2009.

** You can search for the site, using either the Application Number, postcode or road name.
** A site that contains an Application will have a red outline. The colour will depend upon the type of Application.

** Choose the Query Item tool above, click on an Application site and all Planning and Building Control applications for that site will be displayed. Click on the number and a new window will open showing the details of that application.

** You may use the controls at the top of the map to move around the island and view details of any application on the Registers.
** Zoom In – left-click, hold and draw a box. Let go and the map will zoom in on the chosen area.
** Zoom Out – repeat the above after choosing the Zoom Out button.

Tracking systems :
** Digimap has a tracking system which uses the official States of Guernsey mapping to display the vehicles on a live basis.

** The system uses the latest GPS devices and the latest software to provide an impressive system.
** The system has an optional command and control centre for more advanced users and the information displayed can be customised to user requirements

Historic Maps :
The following historic maps have been orthorectified so they can be used seamlessly with the ArcView GIS product at a wide range of scales.
1979 – Ordnance Survey map of Guernsey
1963 – Ordnance Survey map of Guernsey
1938 – Ordnance Survey map of Guernsey

1933 – Ordnance Survey map of Guernsey
1898 – Ordnance Survey map of Guernsey
1816 – Andrew Gray Esq. map of Guernsey, Herm and Sark.
1821 – Capt. Martin White. Pilotage map of the coast of the Bailiwick of Guernsey
1797 – Duke of Richmond map of Guernsey

Mapping Islands :
** Digimap are the Business Partner of the Governments of both Guernsey and Jersey and have been successful in this role since 1996.

** Digimap is dedicated to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and intelligent mapping and have built up a great deal of knowledge and expertise. Digimap is able to assist Islands and countries with their mapping and with innovative ideas.

** In addition to great software, Digimap also have expetise in sustainable business models for the maintenance and financing of the mapping. As well as good software, you need data that is up to date (current) and accurate. Digimap has produced a model which means the tax payer does not have to fund the project and nor does the Government.

Categories: Guernsey
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