buildingexplorer.gov.gg : Building Regulations Application Websearch & Webmap Guernsey

Organization : States of Guernsey
Type of Facility : Building Regulations Application Websearch & Webmap
Country: Guernsey

Website : http://buildingexplorer.gov.gg/Northgate/BCWebServer/ApplicationSearch.aspx

Building Regulations Application Websearch :

Use this screen to search for Building Regulation applications. Entries are not case sensitive capitals or lower case may be used.

Related : Pay a Fixed Penalty Ticket Guernsey : www.statusin.org/8807.html

There are two methods to search for an application record.

By Application Reference No. This is the number used on any correspondence about the application and will be something similar to FP/2009/1234.

By Address. You can search on any part of the site address as long as you place a % sign before and after the word e.g %frossard% will give you all the applications at Sir Charles Frossard House.

When you get too many results you can narrow the search by specifying a date range like the Date Received or Date Decided and provide a range of dates or months.

If you do not know the Application Reference Number or are unsure of the address then use the Building Control Applications Webmap and try to find the site on the interactive map.

Information provided by this service is updated overnight at the end of each day.

Building Control Applications Webmap:
** Using this webmap you can find Planning and Building Control Applications made since 6 April 2009.
** You can search for the site, using either the Application Number, postcode or road name.
** A site that contains an Application will have a red outline. The colour will depend upon the type of Application.
** Choose the Query Item tool above, click on an Application site and all Planning and Building Control applications for that site will be displayed. Click on the number and a new window will open showing the details of that application.
** You may use the controls at the top of the map to move around the island and view details of any application on the Environment Department’s Registers.
** Zoom In – left-click, hold and draw a box. Let go and the map will zoom in on the chosen area.
** Zoom Out – repeat the above after choosing the Zoom Out button.

Enforcement Notice Websearch:
This is the Register of the Enforcement Notices issued by the Department.

You are able to search for copies of Notices by their reference number, address details or dates.

You may enter any part of the address in upper or lower case.

Information provided by this service is updated overnight at the end of each day.

Contact Address :
Write to us :
Planning and Building
Sir Charles Frossard House,
La Charroterie,
St Peter Port,
Guernsey, GY1 1FH
Email us: planning AT gov.gg
We will get back to you as soon as we can Call us : 01481 717200
Opening hours:  Monday – Friday 9:00AM – 5:00PM

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