openmarkethousingregister.gov.gg : Searching Open Market Housing Register Guernsey

Organization : Housing Department
Type of Facility : Searching Open Market Housing Register
Country: Guernsey

Website : http://www.gov.gg/openmarket

Open Market Housing Register

There are about 1,700 Open Market properties in Guernsey and they are all listed in the Open Market Housing Register.

Related : Application For Disposal Of Bulky Household Items Guernsey : www.statusin.org/8810.html

Not all of these properties are private houses. How an Open Market property is used on a day-to-day basis will determine what Part of the Housing Register it is listed in. The controls on who can occupy Open Market properties are also determined by what Part of the Housing Register it is listed in.

The Housing Register is now closed, so it is not possible for any more properties to be added to the Register.

Because the controls on who can live in Open Market housing are much more relaxed than for Local Market housing, Open Market housing is more expensive than Local Market housing.

Adults who come to Guernsey to live in Open Market housing will not normally become Qualified Residents.This means that once you live in Open Market housing you will always have to live in Open Market housing if you want to stay in Guernsey. For this reason it is important to think carefully about the cost of living in Open Market housing before making a decision to move to Guernsey to live in this type of housing.

There are very few situations where an adult living in Open Market housing can move into Local Market housing. An example of where a move would be possible is if an Open Market resident marries a Qualified Resident.

Children who move into Open Market housing with their parents might become Qualified Residents in the future. More information about Open Market children can be found here.

Searching the Open Market Housing Register:
You can search the Open Market Housing Register on-line if you know the details of the property that you want to check. The search will tell you which Part of the Housing Register the property is listed on. For larger estates, the search will also tell you if other buildings within the estate are also listed in the Housing Register as part of its inscription.

A paper Housing Register is kept in the Housing Department at Sir Charles Frossard House. You can ask to view the paper copy of the Housing Register at any time during normal office hours.

What is the Open Market ?
** If you are not familiar with life in Guernsey, learning more out how our housing market works is a good place to start.

** Guernsey’s housing market is divided into two sectors, known as the Open Market and the Local Market. The rules about who can live in Open Market housing are much more relaxed than those about who can live in the Local Market. Because of this, Open Market housing is usually more expensive to rent or buy than Local Market housing.

** The Open Market is made up of about 1,450 family homes (Part A); 52 hotels (Part B); 10 care homes (Part C); and 170 houses in multiple occupation, “HMOs” (Part D).

Housing Control
Sir Charles Frossard House,
La Charroterie, St Peter Port,
GY1 1FH, Guernsey

Tel: 44 1481 715790
Email: housing.control AT gov.gg

Categories: Guernsey
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