Visa/ Entry Clearance : Guernsey Immigration & Nationality Division

Organization : Immigration & Nationality Division
Type of Facility : Visa/ Entry Clearance
Country: Guernsey

Website : https://www.gov.gg/article/119613/GOVGG

Visa/ Entry Clearance :

If you are not a British Citizen or a citizen of one the European Economic Area (EEA) countries, you may need an entry clearance before you travel to the United Kingdom and Islands.

Related : Cross Border Crime Division Guernsey Private Pleasure Craft Clearance : www.statusin.org/8816.html

Entry clearance is the formal term to describe the application process for visa nationals who wish to travel to the United Kingdom and Islands and for non visa nationals who intend to stay for longer than six months The visa or, in the case of a non visa national, the entry clearance certificate is placed in your passport or travel document.

Visa nationals are persons who need an entry clearance to enter the United Kingdom and Islands for whatever reason, this must be applied for before travelling to the United Kingdom and Islands; non-EEA nationals seeking entry for more than six months will also need an entry clearance, as with a visa this must be applied for before travelling to the United Kingdom and Islands. A list of Nationalities which require a Visa can be found in the download below.

Applications for an entry clearance / visa for the Bailiwick of Guernsey must be submitted to a British mission overseas designated for the purpose of issuing visas / entry clearances so that a decision can be made as to whether or not you qualify for entry before you travel to the United Kingdom and Islands. Entry clearance officers will refer applications to the Immigration and Nationality Division in Guernsey other than where a short visit is intended.

If you have a valid visa for the United Kingdom and Islands, you will not normally be refused entry on arrival unless your circumstances have changed, you gave false information, or you did not tell the entry clearance officer important facts when you applied for your visa.

The visa tells the immigration officer at a United Kingdom or Islands port of arrival:
** the purpose of your travel;
** how long you can stay in the United Kingdom and Islands; and
** the latest date that you can enter the United Kingdom and Islands.

Normally, you may enter and leave the United Kingdom and Islands as many times as you like during the validity of your visa.

Related Post

Can I bring my child to the Bailiwick of Guernsey to live with me?
You can bring your child to The Bailiwick of Guernsey to live with you if you can show that :
** You currently live and are lawfully settled in the Bailiwick of Guernsey i.e. with no time limit on your stay

** You have adequate accommodation where you can all live without help from public funds
** You are the child’s parent (this includes the stepfather or stepmother of a child whose father or mother is dead, both the father and mother of an illegitimate child and an adoptive parent in certain defined circumstances)

I am not settled in the Bailiwick of Guernsey so can I still bring my child to the Bailiwick of Guernsey?
If you are here in another immigration category it may be possible for your child to join you. For further information please contact the Immigration and Nationality Section.

How can my child qualify to join me in the Bailiwick of Guernsey?
Your child must show that :
** They are not leading an independent life, are not married and have not formed an independent family unit
** They are under the age of 18 years

Important – Children cannot normally come to live in Bailiwick of Guernsey if one parent is living abroad, unless the parent here has sole responsibility for the child, or if there are serious reasons why the child must be allowed to come here.
Your child must get a visa / entry clearance before they travel to Bailiwick of Guernsey.

How long can my child stay?
If both you and your husband or wife are settled here or you have sole responsibility for the child, they will normally be allowed to stay here permanently from the date they arrive.
If your child comes here with your husband or wife, they will normally be given permission to stay in Bailiwick of Guernsey for the same length of time as your husband or wife.

If your husband or wife is allowed to stay here permanently, your child will normally be allowed to stay here permanently as well.

Immigration and Nationality Division:
Guernsey Border Agency,
New Jetty, White Rock,
St Peter Port,
Guernsey, GY1 2LL,
Channel Islands

Tel: 44 1481 741420
Email: ind AT gba.gov.gg

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