Online Income Tax Returns : Guernsey

Organization : Income Tax Office
Type of Facility : Online Income Tax Returns
Country: Guernsey

Website : https://www.gov.gg/article/119613/GOVGG
Submit Online : https://eforms.gov.gg/

Online Income Tax Returns :

Guernsey has its own system of taxation. There are no Capital Gains, Inheritance or Value Added Taxes, and Income and Corporation Taxes payable in Guernsey are generally lower than in the United Kingdom.

Related : Guernsey Online Payments For Income Tax : www.statusin.org/8836.html

Guernsey has a system of income tax under which deductions are made from employment income [ETI scheme]. The standard rate for individuals is 20p in the pound with a number of personal allowances available.

Every person working in Guernsey has to register with the Income Tax office. At the time of registration you will be given a tax number and coding notice to maintain for your own records, along with a copy to be handed in to your employer.

Use the link on the right of the page to ‘Save time and do it online’ to find a link to our online registration form.

Use the menu on the left to find out more information about rates and taxes in Guernsey.

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The States of Guernsey (Guernsey’s Parliament) delegates virtually all executive tasks to Departments’ having responsibility for particular areas of government. States Income Tax is a part of the Treasury & Resources Department and is responsible for the collection of tax and the enforcement of the taxation legislation. The care and management of the Income Tax Law is the responsibility of the Director of Income Tax.

Complete Tax returns Online:
Unless you have been notified by the Income Tax Office that you do not need to complete a return, you are required by law to complete and submit a return to the Director of Income Tax. You may do this in paper format (personal returns are issued in January each year) or you may fulfil your obligation by completing and submitting an electronic return, which is available on the Tax Office website (www.gov.gg/tax). If you submit an electronic return, you will be asked if you require a paper return for future years. Where paper returns are not required, you will be notified by email, each year, when the on-line return is available for completion. Returns should be completed and returned/submitted by 30 November in the year of issue, or within 21 days if the date of issue is after 9 November. An automatic penalty will be imposed if the return has not been received by the due date. Tax is charged at 20% on income less any personal or other allowances due.

If you do not receive a return or notification that the e-form is available for any year but you have income chargeable to tax, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to obtain and submit a return (the return can be printed from the Tax Office website, or the return can be completed on-line). The Law provides substantial penalties for failure to deliver returns.

If you submit your return electronically, you will be entered into a prize draw, with the chance to win a top prize of £2,500, a second prize of £1,500 or a third prize of £1,000. More information about this draw, including the Terms and Conditions, are available on the Tax Office website

The Director (Income Tax)
Income Tax Office,
PO Box 37,
2 Cornet Street,
St Peter Port,
GY1 3AZ,

Tel: 44 1481 724711
Fax: 44 1481 713911
Email: enquiries@tax.gov.gg

(Opening Hours – 8.30am to 4.00pm Mon- Fri) (8.30am to 2.00pm Thurs),

Tags: gov.gg
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