: Online Complaints Form Grenada

Organization : Ombudsman Office Grenada
Type of Facility : Online Complaints Form
Country: Grenada

Website :

Ombudsman Online Complaints Form

What We Can Do:
When a complaint is made to the Ombudsman he may:
** Refer you to an appropriate authority;

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** Make inquiries;
** Conduct an investigation and accordingly make recommendations to the appropriate authority;
** Mediate.

The Ombudsman may on his own motion carry out an investigation if there are reasonable grounds for so doing. All information obtained by the Ombudsman in the course of investigation is privileged information and can only be used for the purpose of his investigation.

What We Cannot Do:
The Ombudsman may not investigate the following:
** The commencement or conduct of civil or criminal proceedings in any court of law in Grenada or before any international court or tribunal.
** Action taken by the Minister responsible for Foreign Affairs relating to the extradition of any person.
** Any decision or action of the Governor-General or the Public Service Commission relating to the appointment, removal or disciplinary control of any person.
** Any matter which affects the security or external relations of Grenada.
** Complaints made against private individuals or private organizations.
** The grant of honour or awards.
** Any function of the Minister under the Immigration Act / the regulations made thereunder.
** Matters relating to to the grant of liquor licences.
** Matters relating to the regulation of Public Utilities.

Making A Complaint:
If you believe you have been treated badly and after complaining to the senior officer/manager of the particular department or statutory body you were still dissatisfied, you may then complain to the Ombudsman.

You may walk-in to the office, call by telephone to make an appointment, write or send an email.

You are to provide:
** Your name and address
** The Public Authority
** Information about your complaint

Steps In Complaints-Handling:
The Ombudsman would:
(1) Interview you ( the complainant)
(2) Acknowledge your complaint by letter.
(3) Make enquiries of the Public Authority. (This may include investigation into the complaint.)
(4) Make recommendations to Public Authority on what should be done to resolve the complaint.
(5) Provide you with information on the results of his enquiry or investigations.

What Are The Functions Of The Ombudsman?
If you believe that any Government department or authority has unfairly treated you, you can take your complaint to the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman’s Office was established solely for the purpose of giving assistance to persons who believe that they have suffered injustices at the hands of public officers employed by Government agencies and department as a result of maladministration.

What Is Meant By Maladministration?
Maladministration occurs when a Government department? or authority makes a wrong decision, acts outside its statutory authority or fails to take required action. Examples of maladministration are unnecessary delays, bias, failure to follow proper procedures, negligence, wrong decisions and improper service.

What Are The Steps In Making A Complaint?
If you are dissatisfied with the action/decision taken by an authority or department of Government, or if you have been adversely affected due to inaction, you can ask the Ombudsman to look into the matter.

In order to do so you should write directly to the Ombudsman providing the full details of your complaint. All complaints must be made in writing. If this is difficult, you may visit our offices and you will be assisted with your complaint.

Contact Us:
Office of the Ombudsman
Public Workers Union Building
Tanteen, St. George’s
Telephone: (473)435-9315 / 9316
Email address: Ombudsmangd AT
Opening hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Mondays – Fridays.

Categories: Grenada
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