mbiagrenada.com Online Flight Information : Grenada Airports Authority

Organization : Grenada Airports Authority
Type of Facility : Online Flight Information
Country: Grenada

Website : http://www.mbiagrenada.com/?q=flight

Flight Information :

Flight information is provided by FlightStats, and is subject to the FlightStats Terms of Use.

Related : Grenada Tourism Authority Book Your Trip : www.statusin.org/8864.html

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There are several airlines which provide continued service to Grenada these include British Airways and Virgin Atlantic which provides weekly direct flights from London’s Gatwick Airport. Caribbean Airlines, Delta Airlines and American Airlines provides direct flights from New York and Puerto Rico/Miami, while Caribbean Airlines also operates regularly scheduled flights via its Trinidad hub.

Air Canada operates a weekly service from Toronto to Grenada during the Winter season (December to April) with easy connections from Halifax, Montreal and Ottawa. As well as Air Transat operates once a week from Toronto to Grenada during the Summer season (July to September).

Year round, Air Canada operate regularly scheduled flights from Toronto and Montreal to Barbados and Trinidad respectively with connections into Grenada via LIAT.

LIAT continues to provide connections into Grenada’s Maurice Bishop International Airport from various Caribbean islands along with connections to International flights from Antigua, Barbados, St. Lucia and Trinidad.

Conviasa Airlines provides a twice weekly service from Porlamar, Margarita into Grenada.

Carriacou’s Lauriston Airport contines to be serviced by daily flights from Grenada and St. Vincent with SVG Air.

Contact Us:
Mailing Address: Grenada Airports Authority
P. O. Box 385 Maurice Bishop International Airport St. George, Grenada W.I.
Telex: 3480 PSIA.GA
Fax: (473) 444-4838
Tel.: (473) 444-4555/4155/4101
E-mail: gaa AT mbiagrenada.com

If you have any suggestions or complaints you will like to submit to us, please full out our Customer Service Form

To and From Airport :
** Located on the southwestern tip of the island, Grenada’s airport is conveniently within just 5 miles from the captial city of St. George’s. Most accommodations, such as Grenada villa rentals, can be reached in 5-10 minutes by taxi, available throughout the island.

** Maurice Bishop International Airport is easily accessible by all modes of transport including car, taxi or bus.

Parking :
** Our public car park, which is situated opposite the Terminal just a short walk from the Departure Terminal.
Cost: EC$ 2.30 for first hour then $1.15 per hour – EC$ 6.90 maximum per day

Drop off Zone :
** Vehicles will be permitted into the drop off zone solely for the convenience of departing passengers and may stay a maximum of 10 minutes; the driver MUST remain with the vehicle at all times.

About M.B.I.A :
Maurice Bishop International Airport (M.B.I.A) formerly Point Salines International Airport (P.S.I.A) is located on a peninsula in the extreme south-western section of the Island of Grenada and seven (7) miles from the capital St. George’s. Grenada is located directly north of Trinidad and is the most southern of the Windward Island chain of the Caribbean.

Categories: Grenada
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