Reconciliation Certificate of Custom Payments : Uzbekistan

Organization : The Single Interactive State Services Portal
Type of Facility : Reconciliation Certificate of Custom Payments
Country: Uzbekistan

Website :

Reconciliation Certificate of Custom Payments:

Online receiving there conciliation reporton tax payments. The service is been provided with use of digital signature

Related : Uzbekistan Consideration of Applications :

Sphere of the service:

Category of the service recipient:
Legal entities.

The organization:
State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan

According to the chosen customs authority.

Documents required to get the service:
Not required.

Legal basis for service provision:
Customs Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Cost and method of payment for the service:
Free of charge.

Period of dealing with an application:

Methods for obtaining results:
Through the Single interactive state services portal.

Result of the service:
Receiving the reconciliation report on tax payments.

Reasons for refusal:
Unauthorized access to the system;
Any other actions, contradicting to the legislation

Order of appeal:
In case of refusal, the applicant may appeal to a higher authority in the manner prescribed by the law.

Submission of electronic application for the issuance of permits for construction :
Description of the service :
** Submitting an online application for obtaining permitting documents for construction activities.

Related Post

Sphere of the service : Real Estate
Category of the service recipient : Individuals and legal entities.
The organization : State committees
Contacts :
Republic of Uzbekistan,
100011, Tashkent, st. Abay 6
Tel .: (+998 71) 244-15-95
Fax: (+998 71) 244-05-76

Documents required to get the service :
The registration on the single interactive state services portal, completed application form, which specifies the location (address) of the area where the construction is planned (region, city, district, mahalla, street), name of the object to be constructed, as well as uploading on the portal with the following documents (scanned copy or photo ):

1) permission from the experts after the examination of project documentation (for fire safety and seismic resistance of the object)

2) a copy of the minutes of the Architectural and town-planning department at Gosarchitectstroy of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the Main Department of Architecture and Construction of viloyats (province) and the city of Tashkent;

3) site plan and sketch of the facade or master plan (scheme) of the route, agreed with the authorities of Architecture and Construction – for linear objects;

4) an affirmative report on examination for industrial safety of project documentation – for hazardous production facilities;
5) a copy of the license of the contractor – in the exercise of some licensed types of construction and installation works;

6) an affirmative expert’s report of the consolidated examination bodies on the approval of the project stages- for the objects that are to be built according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

7) the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted in consultation with the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan- for the construction of an object with concurrent engineering;

8) a copy of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the construction or major repairs of objects – for the construction sites financed from centralized sources of funding without holding tenders;

9) an address list of capital construction and (or) the overhaul sites, funded by the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the state budget funds;
10) protocol on the results of the bidding (if any).

Legal basis for service provision :
** The Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
** The Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
** The Town Planning Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
** The President’s Decree “On measures for further cardinal improvement of entrepreneurial climate and more freedom to business environment” ? 4455 dated July 18, 2012;

** The President’s Decree “On additional measures for further improvement of the investment climate and business environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan” ? UP-4609 dated April 7, 2014;
** The President’s Decree “On measures for further improvement of the procedures related to business activities and the provision of public services” ? PP-2164 dated April 15, 2014;

** The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to radically simplify the system of granting land for the implementation of urban development activities and other non-agricultural purposes, as well as issuing construction permits” ? 54 dated February 25, 2013;

** The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On approval of the Statute of the differentiated approach in determining the timeframe and cost of the procedures for issuing authorization permits in the construction industry”  150 dated May 30, 2013;

** The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures for implementation of information and communication technologies when carrying out concurrence procedures of the materials at the choice of the land with the authorized organizations, as well as the issuance of permits in the sphere of entrepreneurship” ? 154 dated June 4, 2013.

Cost and method of payment for the service :
** An online payment through the single interactive state services portal is not available.
** Issuance of the construction permits is free.
** State fee, the amount of which is determined by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers 150 dated May 30, 2013.

Period of dealing with an application : 1 working day.

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