Uzbekistan : Submission of Complaints on Problems in Utility Services Provision

Organization : The Single Interactive State Services Portal
Type of Facility : Submission of Complaints on Problems in Utility Services Provision
Country: Uzbekistan

Website :

Submission of Complaints on Problems in Utility Services Provision :

Filing an electronic complaint by business entities on the problems utility services delivery.

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Sphere of the service:

Category of the service recipient:
Individuals and legal entities.

The organization:
The State Committee of Uzbekistan on Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition

Documents required to get the service:
Online application. If necessary, user can attach scanned copies of the required documents (statement of receipts, payment checks, reference to suppliers, etc.) via his personal cabinet

Legal basis for service provision:
** Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Citizens’ Appeals” 446-II dated December 13, 2002
** Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers 181 dated August 23, 2007 “On measures to further improve the interaction of public and economic governance, public authorities in the field, using communication technologies.”
** Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve procedures related to business activities and the provision of public services» ? 2164 of 15 April 2014.

Cost and method of payment for the service:

Related Post

Period of dealing with an application:
Complaints are considered within one month from the day of receipt by the Committee. Complaint not requiring further investigation and verification – not later than fifteen days.

In those cases where complaint requires verification, reclamation of additional materials or other measures, the timing of the complaint may be extended as an exception by the head of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition, but not more than one month from the notification of the person who filed the complaint.

The responsible officer of the Committee sends complaint receipt confirmation to the user within one day (24 hours).

Methods for obtaining results:
On the single portal of interactive state services.

Result of the service:
Users receive a report on the results of investigation over the complaint.

Reasons for refusal:
Basic grounds for refusal to provide services are:
** False information present in the documents submitted;
** Repeated complaints are unfounded or are illegal in nature, or ruling was made over the complaint.
** Information about the individual or business entity is unavailable, or contains false data.

Order of appeal:
The applicant has the right to appeal against poorly rendered services regarding the consideration of entrepreneur’scomplaint, as well as actions (inaction) of an official of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition in the manner prescribed by law.

The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Privatization, Demonopolization and Development of Competition.

Address: Tashkent, 100003, Uzbekistan str., 55
Phone: (+998 71) 239-44-46
Fax: (+99871) 239-47-84

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