Apply For Qarz-e-Hasna Facility By Ihsan Trust Rawalpindi : Diya Pakistan

Name of the Organization : Diya Pakistan
Type of Facility : Apply For Qarz-e-Hasna Facility By Ihsan Trust
Location : Rawalpindi
Country : Pakistan

Website :

Apply For Qarz-e-Hasna Facility By Ihsan Trust:

One of the major focus of the trust is in the domain of providing Qarz-e-Hasna (Interest free loan) for Education to the needy and deserving students of major and leading universities of Pakistan.

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Diya Pakistan Online Scholarship Application System :

Through this scheme the Ihsan Trust bears the educational expenses of the students on purely “Need cum Merit” basis in order to enable them to complete their Higher Education.

How to Apply:

Fill up the form and send us at address

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Download Form :

Diya Head Office:
Hasan Street,
Defence Road,
New Lalazar,
Rawalpindi 46000,

Application form check list:

1) 2 passport size photos
2) Copies of CNIC of self, parent and siblings
3) B-Form of all siblings
4) Latest salary certificate and salary slip of all earning family members
5) Income tax returns of all family members
6) Bank statement of last 6 months of all family members having an account
7) Copies of utility bills including electricity, gas, telephone, water (last 3 months)
8) Details of saving certificates, bonds, share, investments, CDC account statement
9) Property ownership document including agriculture land, plots and houses
10) Rent/Tenancy agreement (if applicable)
11) Loan documents, including credit card bills and bank loan medical bills
12) Latest fee challans/Fee concessions forms (scholarship or loan) of all family members studying
13) Curriculum vitae (self)
14) Your domicile certificate
15) Copies of education certificates/degrees
16) Transcript or academics reports from current academic institution
17) Statement of purpose

The applicant must visit the Ihsan Trust facebook page and Ihsan Trust website before interview.

(Please attach additional sheet if required to mention any additional detail regarding the fields present in the form)


a) We understand that the approval of the above facility will be evaluated by the IT on “Need-cum-Merit” basis, and on the availability of the resources. Decision of the IT will be final.
b) We undertake that the applicant will try his level best, never to work for any organization which is involved in spreading/promoting Interest/Usury and will always strive to promote Islamic Banking and Finance.
c) We believes in the unity and oneness of Almighty Allah, in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophet hood of Muhammad (peace be upon him), the last of the prophets, and do not believe in, or recognize as a prophet or religious reformer, any person who claimed or claims to be a prophet, in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever, after Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
d) The information given in this application is complete and true to the best of our knowledge and we understand that any incorrect information will result in the cancellation of this application. Further, if any information given in this application is found incorrect or false after grant of financial assistance, IT will stop further aid.
e) If the student is awarded any other financial aid (scholarship) during the tenure of Qarz-e-Hasna, we will immediately inform IT about it.

Categories: Pakistan

View Comments (3)

  • I am low paid government employee and want to get off loan which I got from NBP. I almost paid 37 installments and remaining 27 installments (Rs. 11400 per month) are due at my side. If someone helps I shall be very grateful.

  • I am studying in Bacha khan university Charsadda ,kpk. My father is a poor man he cannot afford my education expenses. Can I apply for Qarzi hasna?

    • The approval of the above facility will be evaluated by the IT on “Need‐cum‐Merit” basis, and on the availability of the resources. Decision of the IT will be final. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map