New Motor Vehicles Registration & Ownership Transfer : Rwanda Revenue Authority RRA

Organization : Rwanda Revenue Authority
Type of Facility : New Motor Vehicles Registration & Ownership Transfer
Country: Rwanda

Website :

New Motor Vehicles Registration

Registration and acquisition of number plates for new motor vehicles is done at customs offices, however,

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** vehicles sold through authorised dealers running private bonded warehouses,
** vehicles sold through government public auctions , embassies and other UN agencies on temporary importation regimes are registered at RRA motor vehicles services head office/customs Department.

1. complete registration form provided by the RRA:
2. Physical verification of the vehicle/motor cycle ;
3. Payment of registration fees;

Upon completion of the above requirements, the taxpayer is entitled to:
a.Registration fee payment slip
b. Motor vehicle number plates
c. Permanent motor vehicle registration sticker
d. Motor Vehicle logo book (Yellow Card).

Motor Vehicle Ownership Transfer:
Any change of ownership on registration of motor vehicle/ motor cycle like Sale and donation any any other reason that may lead to the change of ownership status should be declared to RRA motor vehicle office within 8 days from the time the transaction was effected.

** complete and sign transfer of ownership form provided by RRA ;
** A contract of sale;
** One passport size photo for the buyer;
** Photocopy of the national identity or passport for individuals or evidence of legal status for associations and other legal bodies;
** A tax identification number for the buyer;
** Avail the vehicle for physical check/inspection.
** Payment of transfer fee; 10000frw for a vehicles and 5000frw for motor cycles;

Processing for motor vehicle suspension:
Vehicle owners may decide to put their vehicles off-road for a given period. This is done at no expense.

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The proprietor is required to meet the following RRA procedures:
** Complete and Submit an off-road declaration form;
** Submit Motor vehicle number plates (pair);
** Submit the log-book (Yellow Card);

Upon submission of the above requirements, a taxpayer is given an off-road certificate.

Processing on road resumption of the vehicle:
Vehicle owners may decide to put back their vehicles that have been off-road. resumption of such vehicles is administered by the RRA motor vehicle services division.

** Return the off road certificate ;
** complete resume form;
** Avail the motor vehicle/cycle for physical verification;
** Payment of registration fee if prior was not paid

Upon submission of the above requirements, a taxpayer is provided with a new yellow card, tax sticker and number plates.

Motor vehicles for commercial purposes are subject to income tax like any other taxable businesses.

In order to facilitate small scale transporters, RRA has adopted a simplified lump sum tax based on the type and use of the vehicles.

Requirements to get a Motor Vehicle/Cycle log book and Number Plate duplicate once lost :
1. To make an announcement on radio.
2. Proof of payment of 1,000 Frw for property ownership certificate at RRA accounts to be submitted to the Traffic Police.

3. To make payment of thousands two hundred (1,200frw) of loss certificate on Rwanda National Police/Traffic Police accounts.
4. To present a loss certificate from the police with the names and Passport Photo size of motorvehicle owner.

5. To make a payment on RRA accounts number,
** Five thousands (5,000frw) for motor vehicle log book
** Five thousands (5,000frw) for one motor vehicle number plate,
** Ten thousands (10,000frw) for two motor vehicle number plate and
** Eight thousands (8,000frw) for one motorcycle number plate

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