Vehicle Registration : Zanzibar Revenue Board

Organization : Zanzibar Revenue Board
Type of Facility : Vehicle Registration
Country: Zanzibar/ Tanzania

Website :

Zanzibar Revenue Vehicle Registration

Motor vehicles are used by many and unspecified persons on public roads and they are given social recognition only after been inspected and registered.

Related : Zanzibar Revenue Board Taxpayer Registration :

Motor vehicles are also subject to deterioration and wear of both the structure and equipment and sometimes their shapes and modified.

Laws governing registration of motor vehicles:
The registration of motor vehicles in Zanzibar is governed by:
** The Road Transport Act of 2003
** The Road Transport (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles Amendment) Regulations, 2008made under section 47
** Testing and licensing of drivers regulations made under section 113

Application Procedures:
You must be 18 years or over to be registered as the owner of a motor vehicle. You must be 14 years or over to be registered as the owner of a motorcycle. The registrar will not register as the owner of a motor vehicle any person of unsound mind.

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Motor vehicle registration procedure:
It is needed to submit the following documents to the ZRB office:
** Application for motor vehicle registration form (RLV 410) properly completed by the applicant
** Customs declaration form single bill of entry and release order
** Receipt for duty paid (Bank Pay In Slip) or exemption letter
** A copy of your TIN certificate
** Vehicle inspection report from the department of transport to get the road license after registration process.
** Bill of Lading
** Tax invoice (if vehicle is purchased from local motor vehicles’ dealer).
** A copy of National ID

Every person owning motor vehicle shall make application for the registration of such a motor vehicle except for motor vehicles owned by the Government, Tanzania Peoples Defense Forces, and International organizations, diplomatic or consular offices whether or not such motor vehicles are meant for use for public transport or private transport. Form (RLV 401)

Lost of Registration Card:
If you lose your motor vehicle registration card you should contact the traffic police, who will inspect the car and provide you with a loss letter. You must take this letter to the ZRB and pay TZS 40,000 for the four wheel drive and TZS 20,000 for the two/three wheel drive and you will be given a duplicate copy of your registration.

When is a Road License Sticker Renewable?:
The validity of the new road license sticker commences on the day immediately following the expiry of the previous one. However the process of renewing can start the day of the expiry of the license sticker.

What Happens When a Vehicle is not in Use?:
If the owner of a motor vehicle or trailer informs the Licensing officer that he does not intend to use it for any reason and surrenders its registration plates, he shall be exempted from license fees from that date up to date he reclaims the registration plates, The Licensing Officer will acknowledge receipt of the surrendered registration by marking and endorsement on the vehicles registration certificate, which the vehicle owner retains.

What happen if the owner of a Vehicle fails to Notify Non-use or to renew the License?:
** The Registrar/Licensing Officer may at any time after the expiry of any licensing year of the motor vehicle or trailer cancel its registration. When this is done any person in possession of the registration plates of such vehicle shall surrender them to the Registrar/Licensing Officer.

** The Registrar/Licensing Officer can notify the Police and Police shall proceed to the place where the motor vehicle or trailer is lying and remove its registration plates and return them to the Registrar/Licensing Officer. The expenses involved shall be met by the owner of the vehicle.

** Where the registration of a vehicle has been cancelled, a license can not be issued to such a vehicle until it is registered again and the prescribed registration fee paid.

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