Income Tax Return : Sri Lanka Inland Revenue

Organization : Sri Lanka Inland Revenue
Type of Facility : Income Tax Return
Country: Sri Lanka


Income Tax (IT) Return:

Income tax is charged on the basis of the provisions of the Inland Revenue Act No. 10 of 2006 as amended by Inland Revenue Amendment Acts No. 10 of 2007, 9 of 2008, 19 of 2009, 22 of 2011, 8 of 2012, 18 of 2013 and 08 of 2014.

Related : Sri Lanka Inland Revenue PAYE Registration For VAT :

The Inland Revenue Act provides the legal authority to charge, levy and collect income tax on the profits and income of every person or partnership, which arose or is arising to such person for every year of assessment commencing on or after 1st of April, 2006.

In respect of a person who is deemed to be resident in Sri Lanka is chargeable with income tax in respect of his income from Sri Lanka and income derived by him from outside Sri Lanka. The liability to income tax therefore extends to his global income. A person who is deemed to be non-resident in Sri Lanka is chargeable with income tax in respect of only the profits and income, arising or derived from Sri Lanka.

Payment of Tax:
IT is payable on self assessment basis in five Installments.

1st Installment – on or before the 15th day of the month of August that relevant year
2nd Installment – on or before the 15th day of the month of November that relevant year
3rd Installment – on or before the 15th day of the month of February that next year
4th Installment – on or before the 15th day of the month of May that next year
Final Installment – on or before the 30th day of the month of September that next year

Discount on Income Tax payable by Individuals:
Any individuals who makes any quarterly self-assessment income tax payment, one month before the due date, is entitled to a 10% discount thereon (not exceeding such percentage on the instalment based on the current year profits).

Furnishing Income Tax (IT) Returns:
Due date :
Return of Income Tax (IT) should be furnished on or before 30th day of the month of November that end of relevant assessment year.

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Obtaining Income Tax Clearance Certificate for those who does not have Income Tax file :
Eligibility :
** If total remittance exceeds Rs. 1,000,000 (for those who permanently migrate)
** Places from where Applications can be Obtained
** Taxpayer Service Unit (TSU): 1st Floor, South Wing, Department of Inland Revenue, Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02. or from Regional Offices.

** Where to submit Applications
** Taxpayer Service Unit (TSU), 1st Floor, South Wing, Department of Inland Revenue, Chittampalam A. Gardiner Mawatha, Colombo 02. TSU is opened Monday to Friday except on Public Holidays, from 08.30am to 04.15pm.

Any fee payable for Obtaining Application Forms/ Obtaining the Service : No

Supporting Documents Required :
** Photocopy of NIC & The valid Passport, photo copy of visa page, PR Certificate, Dual Citizenship Certificate, if any,

** Documentary evidence for date of commencement and cessation of trade, business, profession, or vocation, if applicable
** Documentary evidence in respect of the amount for which clearance is required, these documents may include the following.

Photocopy of the :
** Certificate of fixed deposit
** Saving Bank pass books
** Bank Statements
** (along with Withholding Tax Certificates for last 3 years of assessment)
** EPF & ETF documents from the respective authorities.

** Disposal of immovable properties documents relevant to the transactions (registered transfer deed certified by Lawyer
** In case of immovable properties, Sales agreement, MT-6 for motor vehicles, copy of registration certificate.

** Gifts letters from the donors.
** Loans letters from the granters including their income tax file numbers.
** Other sources.

Submitted to : Relevant Branch

For More Details:
Tax Payer Service Unit – 0112328702/ 0112134053
Secretariat -0112135411/ 0112338543

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