customs.gov.cn Permit for Customs Broker Registration China : General Administration

Organization : General Administration of Customs
Type of Facility : Permit for Customs Broker Registration
Country: China

Website : http://english.customs.gov.cn/Statics/3660cc24-5e0f-405e-86bd-4f113b80b2f6.html

Permit For Customs Broker Registration:

I. Application materials:
The following materials shall be submitted with any application for registration as a customs broker:
1. the application form for registration as a customs broker;

Related : General Administration of Customs Clearance Status China : www.statusin.org/9045.html

2. the duplicate copy of the applicant’s Business License for Enterprise Legal Person or a photocopy of the Company Name Pre-Approval Notice;
3. the applicant’s Articles of Association;
4. a photocopy of the applicant’s capital contribution certificate;
5. photocopies of the Declarer’s Qualification Certificates for the customs declaration practitioners employed by the applicant;

6. a feasibility report on the provision of customs declaration services by the applicant;
7. the resume of the person in charge of the applicant’s customs declaration services;
8. the ownership certificate or lease agreement for the applicant’s customs declaration business premises; and
9. any other materials relevant to the application for registration permit.

II. Application site:
Any applicant for registration permit shall apply at and submit all application materials to the applicant’s local Customs.

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III. Time limit for handling of application:
Following the acceptance of an application by the Customs in the place where the applicant is located, it shall thoroughly inspect the application materials on the basis of the applicable statutory conditions and procedures and complete the inspection within 20 days as of the date on which the application for registration permit is accepted, and shall subsequently submit its inspection comments and all the application materials to the directly competent customs.

The above mentioned customs shall make a decision on the application within 20 days as of the date on which it has received the inspection comments submitted by the local Customs.

IV. Entrustment for application:
An applicant may appoint an agent to apply for registration permit on its behalf.

An applicant that appoints an agent to apply on its behalf shall issue a power of attorney, which shall contain the following details and be signed, sealed and dated by the applicant:
1. brief information about the applicant and the agent. Where the applicant or the agent is a legal person or any other type of organization, the power of attorney shall contain details such as its name, address, telephone number and zip code and the name and title of its legal representative or person in charge; where the applicant or the agent is a natural person, the power of attorney shall contain details such as his or her name, sex, age, occupation, address, telephone number and zip code;

2. the entrusted matters and permissions such as application for registration permit, submission of application materials and receiving of legal documents as an agent on the applicant’s behalf;

3. the commencement and expiry dates of the term of appointment; and
4. other matters that shall be explicitly set out in accordance with laws, administrative regulations or the Customs regulations.

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