Apply For SPSV Driver Licence Ireland : National Transport Authority

Organization : National Transport Authority
Type of Facility : Apply For SPSV Driver Licence
Country: Ireland

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Apply For SPSV Driver Licence:

To apply for an SPSV driver licence, follow the steps below:
Obtain and fill in form:
Obtain a PSV 15/18 application form from your local Garda station.

Related : National Transport Authority Renew an SPSV Driver Licence Ireland :

Pay fee:
Pay the relevant licence fee to the National Transport Authority. You can do this over the phone using a credit or debit card (phone 0761 064000). The Authority will issue you with a receipt for this fee. (Note that this fee is non-refundable: you should pay it only after you have successfully completed the SPSV Entry Test and are confident that you can satisfy all the other conditions for licensing.)

Obtain photographs:
Obtain two identical passport-style photographs, each measuring approximately 10cm by 7cm, showing your head and shoulders and complying in other respects with standards for passport photographs.

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Submit application:
Complete the PSV 15/18 application form and submit it to the Garda station/PSV Office nearest to your residence (if you live outside Dublin) or to the Carriage Office (if you live in Dublin), along with:
** Your photographs;
** Your tax clearance certificate;
** Your driving licence;
** Your SPSV Skills Development Certificate; and
** The receipt for your licence fee.

What happens next?:
Your application will be processed by An Garda Síochána. The process includes an assessment of you as a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold an SPSV driver licence. This may take up to twelve weeks to complete. All queries in relation to your application should be directed to An Garda Síochána as the licensing authority.

If your application is successful, the Gardaí will issue you with an SPSV driver licence and inform the National Transport Authority. The Authority then sends you the driver identification cards that you are required to keep with you at all times while you are operating as an SPSV driver.

Once you have these, you are entitled to drive any of the five categories of SPSV (taxi, wheelchair accessible taxi, hackney, wheelchair accessible hackney, limousine). The vehicle you drive must be licensed as an SPSV. If it is a taxi or wheelchair accessible taxi, you may stand or ply for hire only in the county (or counties) for which you are licensed. And you must provide the Authority with details of any vehicle you are driving as an SPSV.

Applicant Requirements:
SPSV driver licences are granted only to people who:
** Hold an Irish driving licence or a driving licence from another EU, EEA or other recognised state.
** Show that their tax affairs are up to date by producing a current tax clearance certificate.
** Pass the SPSV Entry Test and obtain the SPSV Skills Development Certificate.
** Are considered by An Garda Síochána to be fit and proper persons to hold SPSV driver licences.

Applicant Requirements:
SPSV driver licences are granted only to people who:
** Hold an Irish driving licence or a driving licence from another EU, EEA or other recognised state.
** Show that their tax affairs are up to date by producing a current tax clearance certificate.
** Pass the SPSV Entry Test and obtain the SPSV Skills Development Certificate.
** Are considered by An Garda Síochána to be fit and proper persons to hold SPSV driver licences. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map