National Transport Authority Ireland : Renew a Vehicle Licence

Organization : National Transport Authority
Type of Facility : Renew a Vehicle Licence
Country: Ireland

Website :

National Transport Renew a Vehicle Licence

When to start the process:
The licence can be renewed up to 60 days before the expiry date. The new licence period starts from the date of expiry of the old licence, so it is not a disadvantage to renew early.

Related : National Transport Authority Ireland Apply For SPSV Driver Licence :

What do I need?:
A vehicle licence can be issued only to a person who is the owner of the vehicle or is otherwise legally entitled to the use and possession of the vehicle (such as under a lease or hire-purchase agreement). The vehicle must be submitted for and pass a Licence Renewal Assessment.

You must have the following documents in order to book your Licence Renewal Assessment:
** A tax clearance certificate
** An insurance certificate
** An NCT certificate

Vehicle licences in certain SPSV categories will be renewed only for vehicles that meet age and size requirements.

Booking a Licence Renewal Assessment:
Book your Licence Renewal Assessment by calling0761 064000. The appointment may be made only by the licence holder. Security questions will be asked to confirm the caller’s identity.

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The Authority validates all documentation online at time of booking and verifies your ownership of the vehicle. You will be unable to book a Licence Renewal Assessment unless your documentation is valid and verifiable online. An appointment can be offered only within a time period during which all required documents are valid and your vehicle meets the age rules.

Licensing centres:
The Initial Suitability Inspection takes place at one of the vehicle licensing centres around the country.

Presenting for the assessment:
The Initial Suitability Inspection Manual outlines the inspection criteria.

If the vehicle has been modified from its original specification, you must bring a copy of the Engineer’s Report or the Technical Assessor’s Report for the vehicle with you to the Initial Suitability Inspection.

Your insurance cover will again be confirmed on the day of inspection with reference to your insurance disc. If your vehicle is not suitably insured on the day of your Initial Suitability Inspection, the licence will not be issued.

If you have no documentation, you should request a TP2 form. To obtain a TP2 form, you must pay a fee of €50. This can be done by phoning 0761 064 000.

What happens if I pass?:
If your vehicle passes the Licence Renewal Assessment, the Licensing Inspector updates the details on the Register of Licensed SPSVs, removes the old tamper-proof discs and applies new tamper-proof discs to the front and rear windows of the vehicle. The vehicle may then be operated as an SPSV in the category to which the licence applies. A licence certificate will be issued by post directly to the vehicle licence holder’s address.

Missing tamper-proof discs?:
If for any reason, your tamper-proof discs are not available at renewal, change of vehicle or licence transfer, you should contact the Authority on 0761 064 000 prior to the Initial Suitability Inspection or Licence Renewal Assessment. If you have documentation to explain the missing discs, you can fill out a TP1 form. This can be downloaded free of charge.

What happens if I fail?:
Reactivating an expired licence:
If your vehicle licence expires, you may, within one year of its expiry, apply to have it reactivated. An additional fee is payable for reactivation.

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