Online Bill Payment : Muscat Electricity Distribution Co SAOC

Organization : Muscat Electricity Distribution Co SAOC
Type of Facility : Online Bill Payment
Country: Oman

Website :
Pay Bill :

Paying Your Bills:

** The Sector Law, promulgated by Royal Decree 78/2004, provides that you must pay for the electricity that you consume. Bills should be paid by the due date indicated on the bill.

Related : Muscat Electricity Distribution Co SAOC New Connection Online Application :

(If the due date indicated is a Thursday, Friday or Public Holiday the next working day will be the due date).
** We have a number of payment locations, designed to meet your needs.
** We can also provide a duplicate bill if you did not receive the original that we sent to you or if you have mislaid it.

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A Choice Of Payment Options:
We have various payment plans and payment locations, designed to meet your needs. Please let us know if you need advice on any of these payment methods:-
** Internet E-portal please visit website addresses below. You will need to register to use the service and will need details of your account number (you can find this on your bills) but thereafter you can find details of your bills and account history and pay your bills online
** OIFC payment machines these are located at major shopping centres and other key locations throughout our region
** At your bank
** At the offices of our agents OIFC

If You Have Difficulty Paying Your Bills, We Will Help You To Pay What You Can:
If you have difficulty paying your bill, please let us know. We do not want to disconnect you If this situation applies to you, it is better to contact us directly rather than our agents. Our contact details are included inside.

We will talk to you to try to agree a payment plan that meets your ability to pay, though you must also pay for your ongoing use.

Understanding Your Electricity Bills:
** It is important that you are able to understand your electricity bill, and that the information presented is clear
** We will review the format of our electricity bills from time to time in order to make it easier to understand and to enhance the information provided to you.
** We will provide you with clear information on your bills and advise you of what you must pay.
** If you do not receive a bill, you must still pay for the electricity you consume. If you did not receive a bill or have misplaced it, you are still obliged to pay us. We will be glad to provide a duplicate bill on request.
** The period between each meter reading should be 30 days, or as close to that period as we can reasonably manage
** Bills are provided on paper but may also be viewed as an electronic copy on the ePortal website –
** If you provide us with your contact details, we may send bill reminders by SMS.
** Details of how and where to pay your bills are included in the next section of this Code of Practice, headed “How to pay your bills”
** The format and content of our electricity bills is approved by the Authority for Electricity Regulation.
** If you have difficulty in understanding your electricity bill, please let us know and we will try to help you understand it.

For any Further information or queries on our services, Please call Our Contact Centre on 80070008 (24/7).

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