hipo.gov.hu Trademark Search : Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

Organization : Hungarian Intellectual Property Office
Type of Facility : Trademark Search
Country: Hungary

Website : http://www.hipo.gov.hu/English/vedjegy/vedj_kutat.html
Search : http://www.hipo.gov.hu/en/trade-marks

HIPO Trademark Search

Supported research:
Research of trademarks and geographical indications is an activity that requires special knowledge and experience, therefore it is recommended to visit the patent library of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office personally where research can be conducted with the help and guidance of our specialists.

Related : Hungarian Intellectual Property Office Trade Mark Registration Procedure : www.statusin.org/9279.html

Individual research:
On the Internet numerous databases are available, the information in demand determines the one, in which the research can be executed most effectively. During research it is recommended to use the Nice Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks and – in case of figurative marks – the Vienna Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks. With regard to that the result of research depends on the content of the database, the mistakes occurred in the database and the searching strategy, the fact that if the research does not call forth adequate documents, it does not necessarily mean that such documents, trademarks do not exist.

Research of trademarks and geographical indications valid in Hungary:
IP-SEARCH database:
IP search is a database of the HIPO available for the general public, which makes detailed search possible in the data of the electronic register of HIPO, as well as in the data of the international and Community industrial property titles of protection effective on the territory of Hungary.

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office’s e-search database covering all industrial property titles of protection – as the only complete domestic source of industrial property information – replaces the Public Industrial Property Aggregate Collection for Search (PIPACS) from 1 June 2011. From this time on, we can offer access to a wider range of the public wealth of data, as compared to previously, with the help of the documents attached to the e-search database.

With the Simple search interface users may search all titles of protection in the database – with the help of this service one can map the entire industrial property portfolio of an institution.

Selecting “Trademarks” or “Geographical indications” within the Advanced search one can get answers to complex queries within the relevant trademarks and geographical indications.

Related Post

Research of foreign trademarks:
ROMARIN – the database of so-called international trademarks filed on the basis of the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol and the database of international appellations of origin registered on the basis of the Lisbon Agreement

CTM-ONLINE – the database of European Community trademark applications and registered trademarks

How to use? ROMARIN:
Database of international trademarks on the home page of WIPO

How to use? CTM-Online :
Trademark research on the home page of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market

Further databases containing foreign trademarks

When using the databases, their data content and the applicable research techniques have to be paid attention to.

The Hungarian trademark registration:
The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office keeps an authentic trademark registration which comprises the following data:
** the trademarks registered by national trademark applications filed in Hungary
** the geographical indications registered by national geographical indication applications filed in Hungary
** the so-called international trademarks applied and registered in Hungary in the framework of Madrid Agreements and Madrid Protocol
** the geographical indications registered by origin indication application filed in Hungary in the framework of Lisbon Agreements.

The trademark registration of Hungarian Intellectual Property Office does not comprise the following data:
** data of the foreign trademark registrations and
** the trademarks applied in the framework of Madrid Agreements and Madrid Protocol whose protections can’t be applied in Hungary.

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office Costumer Service provides information on Hungarian related data of the national and international trademark registrations and so does the Registration Department of Hungarian Intellectual Property Office on the actual state of the registration.

Categories: Hungary
Tags: hipo.gov.hu
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